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Colen July 15th, 2016 06:50 AM

Super Powers Companion 2 Beta!
Hi everyone,

We're almost ready to release the Super Powers Companion, 2nd edition, for Savage Worlds! Before we put it out on "general release", I've prepared a beta version that you can download:

(link removed, beta testing finished)

Download and import this, and if you previously had access to the Super Powers Companion, you'll now have access to the 2nd edition as well. (Note that the SPC2 has separate settings from the old SPC1 on the "configure hero" form, so you'll need to make sure you have the correct edition selected.)

If you run into any problems with the SPC2, or anything else in the data files, please let us know by posting in this thread. Thanks, and thanks to CapedCrusader for his hard work getting this ready!

zarlor July 15th, 2016 08:35 AM

Awesome, thanks! I have more than a few characters to get set-up in this so I'll be doing some testing on this today and over the weekend, hopefully.

One thing I noticed that is not really a problem but something of note/different from the SCP 1 data file is that the "Arcane Background: Super Powers" Edge is a complete replacement of the original AB:SP Edge from the core rules and characters are not given that Edge by default. However it looks like CC set it up as a free Edge (as it should be per the SPC2 standard rules) so you'll just need to make sure you add it to the character's Edges to have it show up correctly.

That MIGHT be a problem only the very specific and probably extremely uncommon or even unlikely event that someone wants to use the SPC2 data set with a standard AB: Super Powers character. I'm not sure if there is anything such a character would need or want out of the SPC2 data file, though (why not use the core rule standalone for that), so that may not be any kind of issue at all.

CapedCrusader July 15th, 2016 10:07 AM

You can't use the standard Super Powers AB in the Super Powers Companion, They work completely differently.

In first edition, It's not a Free Edge like it is in second edition. You have to either "buy" it or take Inherent Power as a campaign option.

In second edition, it is a Free Edge, and there's no campaign option to automatically add it.

zarlor July 15th, 2016 11:22 AM

Right, I get all of those points it's just that it's not exactly against the rules to have a core rules AB: Super Powers character in an SPC2 game, is all. I doubt that will matter.

The point to note for the Edge in SPC2 is only because it's not a common behavior in other system to not automatically add an Edge if a character is supposed to have it. In other words I would think that most players are somewhat used to using SPC1 and if they had the setting box checking for "Inherent Power" it would automatically bootstrap the edge, for free. In SPC2 the edge is not boostrapped at all which could cause the mistaken view that you'd have to "buy" it if the player doesn't read the description on the Edge itself or mistakenly assumes the AB: Super Powers edge listed is just the normal one from the core rules (since the other core rules ABs are also still listed).

I'm not saying that isn't how it should be handled, mind you, I just wanted to clarify it for anyone else who might initially be confused by how to set things up. Although the only real reason I can think of not to automatically bootstrap that Edge within the setting would be because you wanted to use a different AB on the character but with everything else still available from the SPC2. Although in that case I would think you'd be better off not selecting SPC2 as a setting for that kind of character anyway unless there is just something only SPC2 has that you'd want on a character with a different AB? I'm not sure what that would be, though, other than maybe gear or possibly even Edges, some of which don't seem to have to be applied only to AB: Super Powers characters. Probably a very slim subset of characters that ever want to be built that way, though, and arguably it's just as easy to copy and paste those things into a house rules file for that kind of instance, although that does imply having some modicum of familiarity with using the editor.

CapedCrusader July 15th, 2016 11:26 AM

I agree, it was an odd little change. Good clarification.

CapedCrusader July 15th, 2016 11:28 AM

Savage Worlds: The only game where you get Super Powers for free!

dragonwithlotus July 15th, 2016 05:13 PM

This is absolutely awesome! Thanks to everyone for their hard work!

nyarlathottep July 15th, 2016 06:18 PM

Wooo hooooooo!!!!!!

Paragon July 15th, 2016 08:40 PM

I've gotten an odd result, CC: somehow, importing the SPC2 file seems to have managed, weirdly, to break something in my Broken Earth file. I can't figure out why, but it clearly came from the import, as I'd opened HL and the SW section right before to get quick and dirty access to the data directory, and it loaded fine. Now I'm getting this:

"The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'edgBEPsiKn' - Condition phase/priority (Initialize/2100) for bootstrap thing 'wpBEPsiBla' occurs after earliest rule/script (Initialize/2000)
One or more timing errors were identified. Please review the timing report and correct the errors. You can access the report under the 'Develop' menu or by clicking this link."

That's the PsiKnight edge and the PsiBlade it makes available to the character. Did you do anything to the basic code in SPC2 that would have caused that? If so, it'd be easier to know what I need to do with the timing on that, so I can get in and fix it.

CapedCrusader July 15th, 2016 08:58 PM

OK, you need to change that Edge to the compset "EdgeWep'. That issue cropped up with the Sci-Fi Companion expansion. With the changes we made to support the Sci-Fi modifications structure, bootstrapping equipment to an Edge caused an infinite loop. So, we created a new type of Edge component set that allows it. It's only for those Edges that bootstrap gear of some type. I am a bit surprised that you just ran into it. We ran through this with most of the Setting files when Sci-Fi came out.

Let me know if that doesn't fix it, and we can go from there.

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