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-   -   Allow linking for items within parentheses (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=54324)

AEIOU November 21st, 2015 07:21 AM

Allow linking for items within parentheses
I've found that if anything has a "(" before it or a ")" after it, it will not be linked. Could () be treated the same as a period and allow items within to be linked?

kbs666 November 21st, 2015 01:34 PM

This keeps coming up. Not sure why the parser is so limited that it doesn't detect all the patterns its looking for no matter how they are embedded.

ibecker November 21st, 2015 03:39 PM

This would be very nice. I've also noticed this behavior - I've taken to adding spaces around parens:

( something )

to make sure that the links work.

AEIOU November 21st, 2015 05:17 PM

@kbs666: Programs are only as smart as we make them. With so much glorious good in RW, some things get missed. I presume this one is an easy update to the parsing engine but there are some big things coming and some nasty bugs that LWD has been dealing with.

wurzel November 22nd, 2015 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by AEIOU (Post 219577)
... there are some big things coming and some nasty bugs that LWD has been dealing with.

I absolutely agree. This is just a minor annoyance, and as ibecker pointed out one that can easily be circumvented by inserting spaces. There are some things that are imho much more important to handle.

And always remember: A well-documented bug is called a feature. If you don't want sth to be linked simply put it in brackets.:D

Dr_Automaton November 22nd, 2015 04:26 AM

This is most likely a bug. Parenthetical strings were linking correctly prior to the HTML switch. I've have a ticket open on this for the last few builds, so hopefully it will be fixed soon-ish.

Gallinaar December 18th, 2015 10:13 AM

Dang... Didn't notice this thread. Just submitted a bug report on this one. Seems to be the same with square brackets - [ keyword ] works, but [keyword] doesn't.

Changeover to HTML was I'm sure a challenging operation. Positive nod of acknowledgement to those who implemented it and rapidly jumped on the 'irks and oiks' that raised an eyebrow or two.

This issue is not a big deal for me either. Flagged for reference at a later date.

AEIOU December 18th, 2015 01:16 PM

More bug reports is not a bad thing. :)

As a work around, I put spaces before/after ()[]{}'s, save, link and then delete the space and save again. I use () infrequently so it's an inconvenience rather than a showstopper. But this may not be the case with other users that utilize these symbols more often.

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