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Darkechilde July 22nd, 2015 07:14 AM

What IP will be commercially available?
Is there a list of what settings will be commercially available to purchase in Realm Works once the Marketplace is available?

I'm asking b/c I know some settings have said they'll be available, but I haven't heard anything conclusive. Paizo, Catalyst, and PEG all appear to have strong relationships with Lone Wolf in regards to Hero Lab, and I'm wondering if their IP is being prepared for Realm Works as well.

I run games in both Savage Worlds settings, as well as Shadowrun; I don't want to waste a lot of time creating my own 50 Fathoms realm, for example, if all the information will be available for purchase in the near future. Deadlands, Shadowrun, Interface Zero, and lots of other settings, similarly.

If I know they're going to be available, then I'll focus either on homebrew settings, or on IP that I don't expect to be available for purchase that I'd like to use privately - the Fading Suns setting, or Greyhawk, for example.


Silveras July 22nd, 2015 07:26 AM

At this time, none have been announced that I know of.

The last word I saw was "there are negotiations ongoing".

I am hopeful that, if there is anything to announce, we will hear something at GenCon in the next week or so.

I forgot.. Razor Coast (Frog God Games) included RealmWorks support as a stretch goal in the kickstarter. Other than that, and maybe one or two others like it, I don't know of any confirmed content.

MNBlockHead July 22nd, 2015 08:26 AM

Really hoping for more news on the CM by Gen Con.

AEIOU July 22nd, 2015 03:53 PM

Take a look at the original Kickstarter stretch goals for a list of publishers that are pending. I tried to link the summary images but they are restricted....

liz July 22nd, 2015 04:24 PM

There's a list here of the content we already have arranged to sell through the Content Market.

Darkechilde July 22nd, 2015 05:10 PM

Thank you, Liz, I appreciate the link!

Tharmiones July 27th, 2015 04:49 AM

Please first of all I'm not intending to offend anyone I just wanted to share my own concerns.

I must say I am quite disappointed regarding the actual "News" for the Content market.
The latest "new" information are from April, 30th 2015 if you want to take it that way. At that time it was mentioned that "Razor Coast" and "Freeport" will be available via Content Market. If you are more into critics you would say that even that isn't actually anything "New" as it was already part of the Kickstarter Campaign.

This Newsletter in April/May was closed with a teaser:
"Stay tuned for more information about the Realm Works Content Market."
Also in June there was a statement that "soon" there would be more information regarding the licensed content.
However this soon or stay tuned or what else where already mentioned last year(s) as well. And up to now nothing else that is actually NEW was mentioned.

All statements in the last 4 newsletters regarding the Content Market are more or less only variations of the very same sentence "We are currently working on it" while I certainly would not expect a full blown statement every month I think there should be more information available than just the same statement for such a long time.

So it would be good to have some real status updates like estimated time, more information about what publishers are on board or what are some problems they are facing.
Sorry to say it but the lack of information regarding those major topics just adds to the impression that even if you tell us that it, the Syrinscape integration, did not have an impact, it actually did have an impact.
I'm not telling that it did but that it does cause such an impression.

So could we please get some more information about the actual status of the Major features, not limited to CM or Web-access but also for Individual Reveal, Journal and so on?
The Sneak Peak of the Web-Access end of February was nice however it was quite some time ago. I hope that we get more information after Gen Con maybe already at Gen Con for the folks that can attend. So no need to answer right away but I really hope we get more real news in the really near future and not only once per year.

AEIOU July 27th, 2015 11:36 AM

Any big news will get released at GenCon I would bet. The gaming world revolves around GenCon even though most of us couldn't care less about it. C'est la vie.

Any big news will wait until Market is near release so as to build a bubble of excitement. Too early and we'll start getting cranky and fidgety and demanding.... And if it gets delayed, things would get ugly.

Any big news will likely be after Market is opened and the game companies gauge whether it's worth their effort. Early to market is great, but with some elements like calendars still not implemented, it's also risky. Frog God Games has a history of diving face first into new markets first so they aren't a surprise on the roster. Paizo will likely come onboard though maybe not for release day. I wouldn't hold my breath for 5e but I like being wrong.

Managing expectations is one part science, two parts magic and a healthy dose of bomb squad training mixed with hostage negotiation. Good luck, Liz.

Dark Lord Galen July 27th, 2015 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by liz (Post 212993)
There's a list here of the content we already have arranged to sell through the Content Market.

Snipped from From "Content Market Coming in 2015" Blue are comments

Below is just a sample of the content that will be available.

◾“The Freeport Companion” from Green Ronin Publishing (Pathfinder and Fate)◾“Pirate’s Guide to Freeport” from Green Ronin Publishing (all systems) A 200+ page hardbook and another 180+ page supplement subsetting for Pathfinder that certainly has eye appeal. But alas, no mention from Green Ronin (the publisher) on how the RW version of this will look.

◾“Razor Coast” from Frog God Games (Pathfinder) A MASSIVE 500+ page count from Frog God but alas yet again, no mention of RW in the format choices.

◾“Blood Drive Trilogy” from Pinnacle Entertainment (Deadlands – Savage Worlds)A 39 page supplement offering for Savage Worlds.... but again, no mention of RW and if there is no "Savage World RW game setting" then it leaves the buyer to integrate the supplement into his version of Savage Worlds.

◾“Grande Temple of Jing” from Hammerdog Games (Pathfinder)
A 500 plus page 60 level dungeon crawl behemoth ... or so it says... since the link and even progressing through their web site reveals NOTHING other than its not even out, taking Pre-orders now. And to keep the theme going, no mention or love for RW on their site.

◾“Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game” from Engine Publishing (all systems]A 2012 Ennie Award winner- Reviews are good to excellent for product, sad that it's 3 years old (and I already have it), and no mention from Gnomestew (the other part of this published partnership) about compatibility with RW or even a snipit of what that may even look like through provided link.

◾“Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters” from Engine Publishing (all systems)) 500 plus encounters to be weaved from my corresponding friend and Gamer Legend, Monte Cook. AND at least alittle love for RW (page displays link to RW proper) but again.. grrrrrrr. no idea what this would look like in RW.....

◾“Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Masters Guide to Session Prep” from Engine Publishing (all systems) Not really sure how a 2012 version of " how to be a good DM prep book" will look in RW (since game management is supposed to be what RW is for), but at least they do have a RW link to the site.

◾“Halls of the Mountain King” from Open Design (Pathfinder)

◾“The Blight” from Frog God Games (Pathfinder)
Since there was no link, and digging through the Frog God site, the only mention I found to this was it was in the works in 2014.... but I only utilized their search function. My Friend Erik Mona @ Paizo directed me to this link in their forum where the blight was discussed.


Originally Posted by from Paizo Site
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games Mar 16, 2015, 06:05 pm

You can certainly do that for your campaign. In canon they will be on the SE coast of Libynos in an area heavily colonized years ago by the City-State of Castorhage (The Blight), and some other areas of the Hyperborean Empire, particularly the province of Pontos Island (now the Kingdom of Oceanus). There may be one other colonizing influence involved in the area's Akadian-style origins, but that is still in the works.

and from Rob himself on the Freeport and Blight discussions via the Paizo site

Originally Posted by Rob
Realm Works Kickstarter Launches – Transform Campaign Management!
lonewolf-rob Feb 23, 2013, 03:32 am


The Blight has been unlocked! Now it's time to bring back a timeless classic. If we hit this new goal, we'll include the entirety of the Pirate's Guide to Freeport from Green Ronin Publishing!

Freeport is Green Ronin's signature city setting and has been home to thousands of RPG campaigns since its launch in 2000. Classic fantasy elements, cruel-hearted pirates, and Lovecraftian horror come together in the rum-fueled metropolis known as the City of Adventure. Now a new era is beginning. The Pirate's Guide to Freeport is the definitive new sourcebook for the City of Adventure, set 5 years after the events of the original Freeport Trilogy. This is a pure setting book, focusing entirely on the people, places, politics, and perils of Freeport and containing no game statistics of any kind. The Pirate's Guide to Freeport can thus be used with any fantasy RPG.

The Freeport Companion for FATE and Pathfinder will also be included, detailing cultists, pirates, serpent people, and much more.

As Kickstarters' and long time supporters are aware, it has been discussed via the Kickstarter for RW so its been in discussion for a while.....for a complete review see here
Lone Wolf Robs Comment Page on Piazo

This review leads me to wonder..

Is this list of partners supplying a RW compatible versions of their product?
Or is LWD going to build such with their already overstretched resources?
Since it appears that not one of the postings linked make any reference to compatibility or preview what their product would look like with a RW format flavor it seems a reasonable question.


MNBlockHead July 27th, 2015 12:23 PM

If I were a game developer, I would be hesitant to advertise my content as being available in a market that is not yet released. I don't read more than that into the lack of cross-links and mentions. It really isn't worth the effort and money to edit a webpage or advertise a venue that they can't make money from yet.

I would expect that once the CM is up and you can finally BUY this content, the developers would be incented to advertise this fact.

As for the perceived lack of updates, maybe it is because I was not a kickstart backer, but I don't really expect much more in way of updates then I've been given. I've been pleasantly surprised at Rob's and Liz's engagement on this board and I understand why they would want to hold off on more specific promises and announcements until they are close to releasing it.

If nothing else, I'm getting free web backup of my realms until they release the CM. ;-)

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