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-   -   Is there a way to reveal a pin but keep the "GM Directions" part of it concealed? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=52796)

Indus101 April 26th, 2015 01:43 PM

Is there a way to reveal a pin but keep the "GM Directions" part of it concealed?
Like the subject line says.

A lot of times I want the players to be able to see some, but not all of the information about a spot on the map. I was hoping the "GM part" of the pin would remain "GM eyes only" but I can't find to only reveal the top part of the info.


Parody April 26th, 2015 02:35 PM

GM Directions cannot be revealed. That's their entire purpose.

Indus101 April 26th, 2015 08:10 PM

When I go into Player Mode, all the "GM Directions" on my revealed pins are revealed as well. If this is not how it's supposed to work, then I need to understand the process and find out if I'm doing something wrong, I have a bug, or it simply does not work that way.

Helpful advice and answers appreciated!


Parody April 26th, 2015 08:36 PM

Sorry, but it seemed to me like a misunderstanding. It's hard to tell when people are missing stuff like that. That's why I started with the lowest common denominator of answers. :(

GM Directions are never supposed to be revealed to the players. If your players can see them then it's a bug and you should write up a bug report using the Report A Realm Works Bug page.

This may only be a bug in the Realm Works GM Version's preview of what the players see (via the "Enter Player Mode" button.) Even though they show in the preview of Player Mode, the GM Directions may not be being revealed to your players. If possible, find out whether or not your players can see the directions and include that information with your bug report. If not, then include that you haven't tried it with your players yet.

Indus101 April 26th, 2015 11:09 PM

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the further information. If that's how it should be working, I definitely have a prob. So I'll bug report it then.


Parody April 27th, 2015 12:41 AM

You're welcome. Good luck with your campaign!

MaxSupernova April 27th, 2015 05:29 AM

Good luck with the bug!

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