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AEIOU January 14th, 2015 11:51 AM

Realm Works Manual
Is there any reason the RW manual isn't available online here? I'm not gonna read it (gotta feign denial to retain street cred) but it could be useful for a variety of reasons.... I know it's a work-in-progress and will be constantly updated as all the fun things we keep clamoring for are implemented. But....

• It would be very helpful for referring folks to a chapter or section that would answer their questions.

• It would be available anyplace.... I sometimes want to look something up away from my RW install.

• It would be a wonderful marketing tool that shows folks what RW is capable of.

It doesn't need to be fancy or linkable (those things are extra credit).

pyremius January 14th, 2015 12:05 PM

If the manual is freely available, potential buyers will judge the software by it - so polish and completeness will be mandatory. Readers will assume that if it's not in the manual, it's not in the software.

We know it's a trailing task, especially given the quantity of features they still want to add or refine - but anyone bypassing the forums to read the manual won't see the forum discussion about additional features or upcoming plans.

Pollution January 15th, 2015 03:41 AM

Agreed with pyremius. The manual is confusing if you've never used RW before.

People might see it and go, "that's too complicated, I'll stick with my handy journal book" and not buy. when in reality, it's really easy to use, really difficult to master is all.

Once you have the software, open any realm and go to help. The manuals are there.

Though, they should be available in the splash screen. Just sayin'

Exmortis January 15th, 2015 05:51 AM

Actually I'd rather see more and more video tutorials, they have been a much bigger assistance to me than the manual. Seeing and watching as it is explained help my meagre brain with the concepts and how to use them.

AEIOU January 15th, 2015 09:24 AM

Is the manual available in PDF form in our install directory? I want it for away-from-RW reference and can toss a copy for myself into the cloud.

pyremius January 15th, 2015 09:38 AM

I tested the World Builder's Guide, and it is a PDF. I'm not sure where it's located, but I had the option to re-save it, so actually finding the folder isn't necessary.

Dark Lord Galen January 15th, 2015 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pollution (Post 201575)
Agreed with pyremius. The manual is confusing if you've never used RW before.

People might see it and go, "that's too complicated, I'll stick with my handy journal book" and not buy. when in reality, it's really easy to use, really difficult to master is all.

Once you have the software, open any realm and go to help. The manuals are there.

Though, they should be available in the splash screen. Just sayin'

LOL that's the case with any new software... the manual was for propping doors open!
Seriously, RW isn't as bad as say..... WordPerfect in its hey day.... There was a whole sub-market created for keyboard overlays, tip books, etc to effectively use it. IT was (at the time) the most sophisticated word processing program, combined with computer power that effectively killed the typewriter. It was by NO MEANS user friendly.

RW, IMO, is not nearly so "challenging". Meaning I have yet to find anywhere asking me to simultaneously hold the CTRL & the ALT & hit F1 to get some feature (yet anyway):D
Except maybe to some that have never been exposed to building a database. As database software goes, RW is compartmentally simple, you can learn in in progression. Probably the only easier database application conceived was a DB called Alpha4 that was the poor mans Dbase III & RW is 100x more elaborate.;)

The core challenge is the fight against "instant gratification".

People are under the general delusion that you can buy the perfect "anything" right out of the can, and have it do EXACTLY what you want without any effort.

Building a Realm=WORK folks hehe... That is why there are far more players than DMs... Most want the "big chair" at the end of the table, till they find out how much work is involved in creating a good long lasting campaign. Even Most "modern" DMs (GMs for you hairlings) have lost the concept of what the difference is between a game, a series, a closed campaign & an open ended campaign. WOC (and others) have misused the word "campaign" for years.

As for mine it started in 1980, (less time working cross country & overseas) it has been continually running for 30 years this June (yes REAL years) as one continuous ongoing campaign. Dozens of players, thousands of hours, loads of fun, and a wonderful backlog of history. :eek:

RW can manage all of these, but where it will truly shine is in the long running open campaign.:cool: SHAMELESS CALENDAR PLUG AHEAD>Even better when calendar management and character reveal become reality.

Not to derail thread, it is curious that the forum would not have the ability to at least link to a point in the reference materials when illustrating questions / answers. The prose that its to protect from competitors is unlikely, and if true is flawed. Any competitor could simply buy a copy and see all of it at their leisure. If it were a concern simply tie it to login procedures for users, not guests to see who is accessing it....

Dark Lord Galen January 15th, 2015 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by pyremius (Post 201596)
I tested the World Builder's Guide, and it is a PDF. I'm not sure where it's located, but I had the option to re-save it, so actually finding the folder isn't necessary.

I agree with Pyremius, I simply did a "save as" dropped them all to desktop and then moved them to a micro sd card so I can view anywhere at my leisure...

Chemlak January 15th, 2015 10:16 AM

Go to your RW install location, and open the docs folder.



Parody January 15th, 2015 11:45 AM

There's also links to them in the Start Menu. (Context-click, Open File Location)

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