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Madmaxneo August 29th, 2014 11:48 AM

Editing the defintion.def file
I have a question regarding the definition.def file and what should go in there.
In that file there is this line:

<diceroller mode="totals" dietype="6" quantity="1"/>
If the game system I am developing uses percentile dice, should I change the 6 (dietype) to a 100 (dietype)?
I assume that when it comes to open-ended rolls (roll a 96 or higher you roll again and continue to roll until you roll less than a 96, then add them all together. Unless I am supposed to put that in the definition.def file......

Also the there is this line for initiative:

@initiative = random(10) + 1
In HARP Initiative is determined by rolling a d10 then adding two stat bonuses...plus any other special mods. Would this be handled in the definition.def file or later on?

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