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RampagingHoardes March 31st, 2014 02:35 PM

Organizing Help
I have worked through the quickstart and did a quick read through the manuals however I am not seeing what I am looking for...

Is there no way to organize your information where you drill down into it like it was a folder?

for example

If I have world with 200 cities and towns with each have 5-10+ wards respectively I don't want to see a gigantic list nor have to search for what I want(although being able to search can be useful at times).

Is there no way that it will act as a container literally where I can say only have my list of cities open and then click on the city to get a further list?(basically operating as a folder)

This way if the players go to city x, I don't have to scroll through a huge list of information that is alphabetized but jumbled up as far as relationship goes.

The issue I am seeing is the more information I enter the bigger this issue becomes and I will be spending a lot of time filtering through info that I could be quickly clicking into.

If I have overlooked something please let me know (I am really hoping this is the case)


rob March 31st, 2014 02:44 PM

When you're viewing a topic, take a look at the far right. You'll see the Transitions Pane. The second section down from the top of the pane is labeled Containing Topic. Click the "+" button to select the topic that contains the current one.

So let's say you have Ward1 that belongs to CityA. Select the Ward1 topic and edit it. On the right, click the "+" button. Then select CityA from the list and click OK. When you're back to the Ward1 topic, save it. You should now see Ward1 appear beneath CityA in the list on the left. Repeat for all wards to assign them to their appropriate cities.

You can do the same thing with cities, if you wish. You can make them contained by the country, continent, or whatever other grouping makes most sense to you.

Hope this helps!

RampagingHoardes March 31st, 2014 02:58 PM

Thanks for the help Rob this behavior seems to be what I am looking for but when I do this the list on the left in Places remains unchanged even though it shows on the right that it belongs to the City. I did save and even tried refreshing the column afterwards but the order is still the same.

When I look at the city it shows the ward as governed content so I can see a link has been made.

Is this possibly a bug?

monsterfurby March 31st, 2014 03:17 PM

The software is by default set to not display the tree structure. Click on the settings icon next to the search icon in the upper left, then select "Show Containing Topic Hierarchy" - that should then organize your topics by which topic contains which other one.

RampagingHoardes March 31st, 2014 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by monsterfurby (Post 179264)
The software is by default set to not display the tree structure. Click on the settings icon next to the search icon in the upper left, then select "Show Containing Topic Hierarchy" - that should then organize your topics by which topic contains which other one.

That is what I needed Thanks!

Appreciate both of you helping me!

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