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evildmguy February 15th, 2013 03:04 PM

Working on the new (.8) release

I thought I would put out a state of the update.

At this point:
  • Free Agent Resistance modifier is working.
  • Updated character sheet
  • Updated skill page display
  • Updated some Perks and Flaws to apply effects
  • Implemented some advancements

Really happy with this and how it is going! I am looking at implementing the level, which will allow me to implement the Tech Op extra points ability.

I also need to do a lot more testing to check many things. The layout, the rules, that things are implemented properly. I don't do enough of this.

I also have some ideas about how to handle Firepower on ammo without changing too many things. And I need to see how to add STR Damage modifier onto melee damage as well as adding helm/shield values to armor.

Also hoping to look at:
  • Adding FX points for Mindwalker.
  • Adding FX skills to their own area on the printed sheet, probably page 2.
  • Creating page 2 of the printed sheet.

My general idea is to get something out there as well as I understand Hero Lab at the moment. Then, as issues are found, I will hopefully learn more and improve it! I can talk about what I have learned in this process for anyone interested but it might fit the authoring area better.

So, that's my update and plan at the moment.

Comments and suggestions welcome!


jbearwillis February 15th, 2013 03:49 PM

All I have to say is that I'm excited about what you have done. Your cooking in the aspect that you have done a lot and you seem to have a plan for the future. You are the man and keep up the great work. Your cheering section.

PS: In what sections are you wanting suggestion on - I might be able to give a little insight, if you give me an idea of what you are looking for.

evildmguy February 15th, 2013 05:06 PM

Yeah, that was vague, wasn't it?

I guess anything. Things to make sure I check. Questions that anyone has.

"Have I thought about X?"
"What about Y?"
"This is my favorite thing so when will it happen?"
"Z is working right."

But, again, maybe that's still too vague.

I can say that releasing it in this state has really helped motivate me to get back into it and keep going on it!


jbearwillis February 15th, 2013 05:53 PM

Well I would like to see the psionics finished, and then maybe adding the extra powers from the Mind-Walker book. not all the extra rules but the powers like teleportation to make the power more or less complete, But this is just a wish list. I understand you have a long ways to go, but I'm looking forward to Gamma World or a least the ability to add it in myself. LOL, but again this is just a wish list and not per say a request. Please don't rush yourself. Take your time and get it working the way you need it to work. I'm very patient.

evildmguy February 15th, 2013 06:27 PM

Well, my original plan was to get the PH stuff in and then add in the others as source books. I was hoping to add code to do the source books in the editor as a way to test it so others could use it.

I do agree that I need to check the source books and see if there is anything I need to account for now.



jbearwillis February 15th, 2013 08:53 PM

Well Like I said your doing fine, get done what you need to get done. My suggestion was that if some of the source book items can be added without adding more mechanics then what your working on right now to get the PH done. Then you might want to do them to save you time further down the road, but only if they are easy and quick and don't add any burden to you except time. That way you don't have to go back and add the mundane items when you add the source books and all you have to worry about is the extra mechanics and the items that needed the extra mechanics to use. Just a friendly suggestion is all. no biggie
Peace out,

Mathias February 16th, 2013 07:47 AM

As a suggestion, it sounds like evildmguy is at around the same point in development of this game system that we were started adding extra hands to our development process when we were creating Shadowrun.

Once you have enough capabilities finished for some type of content, say Armors, and have created an editor tab for them, and have added a few examples to test your mechanics and show the others what a finished item looks like, other people can handle the actual data entry of all the various armors in the game while the main person moves on to the next category of thing.

Even those who don't want to try their hand at any scripting can help out - the first step in creating anything for Hero Lab is simply to type in the name and copy in the description text. Usually, the next step is also easy - in most game systems, different categories of items have certain statistics that are universal to all those items - armor ratings, cost, weight, etc.. In most cases, in Hero Lab, those universal statistics will be easy to enter - they'll be boxes where you type in a number, or drop-down menus in the editor that will be easy to figure out, no programming experience required.

Helpers who don't want to try their hand at scripting can also search through all the books to create checklists of what items there are to handle, so that there are extra pairs of eyes on that task, and you're certain you didn't miss anything.

(I'd suggest a new Call for Volunteers thread if you want to do this)

mjk333 February 19th, 2013 06:50 PM

Have you checked out wAlter? I wonder how convertible the data tables would be...

evildmguy February 19th, 2013 07:19 PM

I have checked out WAlter. I used it and SQuAT but this more. It was when I tried to add my own data sets that I messed it up. So, while I certainly appreciate what they did, I couldn't get new data into them very easily.


jbearwillis February 20th, 2013 01:18 AM

That's what I was saying. That what you are doing is a god send. I didn't like the other programs very much. They worked ok but they were very limiting. As you said I appreciated what they did - but those programs came up wanting in the long run. What you are doing and accomplishing is one great program file compared to theirs.

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