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muleboi200 at yahoo.com November 11th, 2000 03:06 PM

does anybody know the adress to the crack for armybuilder. could you
please post it here if you do?

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DiPonio at voyager.net November 11th, 2000 03:19 PM

The Crack for ArmyBuilder can be found at www.wolflair.com. Look in the

WTF are you thinking.


-----Original Message-----
From: muleboi200@yahoo.com [mailto:muleboi200@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 4:06 PM
To: ab@support.wolflair.com
Subject: [AB] crack

does anybody know the adress to the crack for armybuilder. could you
please post it here if you do?

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eric at landesfamily.com November 11th, 2000 03:46 PM

At 04:05 PM 11/11/2000, muleboi200@yahoo.com wrote:
>does anybody know the adress to the crack for armybuilder. could you
>please post it here if you do?

Hey, Rob, what do you think? You're the AUTHOR, the guy who collects the
MONEY for this COMMERCIAL program. Think you could post the source code
for the registration part?

Didn't think so.

Look, Muleboy, you spend how much on figures? I'll tell you right now, the
money you spend on ArmyBuilder will be better spent than any dime you've
ever spent on figures. The only crack you should be worrying about is the
crack GW is selling under the guise of WFB 6th...

Go to www.wolflair.com. Register your software, and quit trying to break
the law.


Eric Landes

"A mathematician is a device that turns coffee into theorems."
- Paul Erdes

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toller at hillcity-comics November 11th, 2000 03:50 PM

grailknight at weblnk.net November 11th, 2000 04:36 PM

all I can say is...ARE YOU AN IDIOT???!!!!

I do believe Yahoo will be getting an email concerning your solicitation
for warez and crackz

----- Original Message -----
From: <muleboi200@yahoo.com>
To: ab@support.wolflair.com
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 7:05 PM
Subject: [AB] crack

> does anybody know the adress to the crack for armybuilder. could you
> please post it here if you do?
> To unsubscribe from this group, email
> armybuilder-unsubscribe@egroups.com

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rob November 11th, 2000 09:04 PM

At 12:05 AM 11/12/00 +0000, you wrote:
>does anybody know the adress to the crack for armybuilder. could you
>please post it here if you do?

Last I saw, drug addicts were still paying for their crack. So, let's see,
how about I sell you some Army Builder crack for $30. Interested? If so, go
to www.wolflair.com and enter your credit card info.

If not, how about trying Army Builder Lite? The price is more in line with
how much you are looking to spend.

Thanks, Rob

Rob Bowes (rob@wolflair.com) (650) 726-9689
Lone Wolf Development www.wolflair.com

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Phil at wallingp.freeserv November 12th, 2000 02:09 AM

Do - what?

You scum sucking lowlife. Spend the money, Rob goes to enough trouble to
write the program you may as well pay for it. People like you make me sick.


-----Original Message-----
From: muleboi200@yahoo.com [mailto:muleboi200@yahoo.com]
Sent: 12 November 2000 00:06
To: ab@support.wolflair.com
Subject: [AB] crack

does anybody know the adress to the crack for armybuilder. could you
please post it here if you do?

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james.tubman at blueyonde November 13th, 2000 03:20 AM


Dumb schmuck!!


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Mathius at ticnet.com November 13th, 2000 03:36 PM

marc at marc.homechoice.c November 13th, 2000 04:16 PM

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