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Lexus October 9th, 2011 02:40 PM

Help with creating items
I'm new to Hero Lab and am looking to add some item that I have in a custom campaign.

I am trying to create one time use items to be used on weapons and Armor.

How would I go about this?
These items would add "and/or" remove abilities, spell effects, damage, skills, etc....

chiefweasel October 10th, 2011 04:09 AM

I am not 100% sure what you are going for here, but it sounds like you would need to create the effect, or one shot thing. Most likely as a special ability. this can be done in the editor. make this effect available to all users, when they create their armor or weapon they can add it then. once they use the effect, you can edit the weapon or armor and remove the effect.

Lexus October 11th, 2011 03:41 PM

I am trying to add an Enchantment that a player could then add to any Weapon or Armor of there choice Magical or not.

I have no experience in writing Script or programming of any kind.
I hope someone has an idea of how to do it and a way for me to learn enough if needed on how to do it.

bodrin October 11th, 2011 09:36 PM

Such as a +? attack / damage bonus? Extra power like wounding / Shocking etcetera?

We need a more descriptive statement other than an enhancement that can be added to any weapon or armor.

Lexus October 11th, 2011 10:01 PM

LOL Fair enough! yes you have the right idea with + or - to attack Damage including electrical, poison, Shadow etc... As well I'd like to do + and - to Ability scores. Some Items would only have 1 modifier and others could have as many as 10 different modifiers.

Thanks anyone who is working on this.

Lawful_g October 11th, 2011 10:04 PM

Sounds like you will need to make several different Item Powers. You can copy them for examples, as for making them be applicable to non-magic weapons I dunno.

Lexus October 11th, 2011 10:23 PM

Hmm i took a look at Item powers and that could work, now just to figure out how to do it. and what each Tab and button does.

chiefweasel October 12th, 2011 05:29 AM

Do you have a specific ability from a book or something you could paste here so we could see it. Depending on what it is i can try to make a video of it so others can check it out as well.

Lexus October 12th, 2011 07:21 PM

Nothing directly out of a book no, but some examples would be

+ (or) - 1 to 4 to Strength (or another Ability)
+ (or) - to Damage from a weapon
+ (or) - to Attack from a weapon
+ (or) - to AC on Armor
+ (or) - to Movement speed
+ (or) - to initiative
+ (or) - to a Skill (Healing, Intimidate, Spellcraft as examples)

So on and so forth

My main Idea would be to have enchantments (via Scroll), and something like a Iuno Stone but that will be attached to the Weapon or Armor like a Rune stone or Gem

bodrin October 12th, 2011 09:10 PM

For modifying strength or other abilities look at the Enlarge person adjustment. You'll notice a part of a script that refers to (aSTR) with the operand += ?. The question mark is a number in that script and it's adding to the Strength ability -= would subtract conversely.

See if you can modify it for your specific needs just copy and paste it onto a new custom item.

A speed enhancement script can be found on the Haste spell adjustment, also AC bonus.

Just some pointers for you.

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