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DrClarke June 2nd, 2011 08:23 AM

A little .user file guidance
So I've been snooping & searching through these forums and I've not quite found the answer I'm looking for.

I have Herolabs. I'm starting a Pathfinder campaign. I'd like to add a couple of custom races.

I've found examples of .user files for custom races and I know how to import them and make them active for characters.

I've seen the wiki.

Where I'm sort of stuck at is the creation. Is this done simple from scratch in an editor of my choice? Or am I better off using the Authoring Kit? (To me the authoring kit seems more orientated for a whole game system and not just an additional race type).

I tore open a .user file to take a gander at all the attributes. I'm not a rookie with code, so it didn't scare me terribly.

I'm just looking for the most proper way of going about creating a custom .user file.

Mathias June 2nd, 2011 08:54 AM

You do not need to purchase the Authoring Kit to add content to an existing game system.

Within each game system, there is an editor (Tools menu...Launch Editor) which will hopefully guide you through the process - without that, you'd need to figure out by trial-and-error what fields and tags existed, and what values you can define for each.

Also, once you open the editor in Pathfinder, you can use the help menu there, select the first option, and you'll get the game system-specific editor manual.

DrClarke June 2nd, 2011 09:42 AM

Doh! Right in front of my face. And I swear I scoured that bar.

Thanks for that pointer. That just solved it all!

MyLiege December 31st, 2011 09:13 AM

Another question for one that has just begun working with data sets.

I'm trying to do a fantasy based game of Mutants and Masterminds. I'm thus hoping to delete the some of the default weapons and advantages but I can't see how to. I can only edit them. Needless to say, my fantasy characters aren't going to be able to purchase chainsaws or automobiles.

Do I have the capability to delete or do I have to use the Authoring kit?

Mathias January 1st, 2012 08:17 PM

The *Preclude tab allows you to say that a thing does not exist while a specific source is active, and the *Hidden tab allows you to remove things all the time. Neither of those require the authoring kit.

MyLiege January 2nd, 2012 09:36 PM

That is tremendously helpful. Thank you!

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