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Lord Magus March 5th, 2011 09:32 PM

...and a couple quick ones...
...since it's getting late and I need to sleep!

1) How can I grant a race a higher number of creation points (to use with the point buy method for attributes), for example +4 points?

I have tried

hero.child[tGen].field[Bonus].value = hero.child[tGen].field[Bonus].value + 4
as well as

#applybonus[Bonus, hero.child[tGen], 4]
based on the Show Fields feature identifying the Generate field as tGen, but the Editor tells me tGen is a non-existent thing.

2) How can I code as a prereq "having at least one Martial Weapon proficiency", whichever the origin (in my campaign, Skill Tricks can be used to gain a single Martial Weapon proficiency)?

Thanks again!

Kendall-DM March 5th, 2011 10:46 PM

Try this for #1.

herofield[tGen].value += 4

Lord Magus March 6th, 2011 05:54 AM

Thanks Kendall-DM for the help.
However, it still gives me a syntax error:

"Only derived fields can generally be modified via scripts (field tGen)"

Kendall-DM March 6th, 2011 08:07 AM

Put trustme before it. Be careful when using trustme, it allows the program to do things that are likely having other unseen effects. Since tGen is not derived, then HL is setting it and doesn't think it is a good idea to change it.

Mathias March 6th, 2011 12:49 PM

DON'T Add something with trustme. You are modifying a user-set field, and are adding to it. EVERY time HL recalculates the character (that's after every time the user changes something), 4 more will be added to the field. You'll have to set the value equal to if you want to do this.

Lord Magus March 9th, 2011 07:02 PM

Gentle bump... still equally stumped by those two.

Thanks in advance!

Lawful_g March 10th, 2011 04:56 AM

For #2, from a Pre-req on my Abjurant Champion PrC
~ We are valid if we have the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat (either version).
validif (#hasfeat[fWepMart] <> 0)
validif (#hasfeat[fMartial] <> 0)

~ Or if we have a weapon that requires Martial, and we are proficient
foreach pick in hero from BaseWep where "wProfReq.Martial"
validif (each.tagis[Helper.Proficient] <> 0)

Lord Magus March 16th, 2011 06:51 PM

Thanks, this is working almost perfectly!

1) How could I code a validif for characters having the (house-ruled) skill trick granting a Martial Weapon proficiency? "#hasskilltrick" doesn't work
2) For the second part of your script, it considers you're proficient in the weapon only if you have one in your weapon list. For example, an elven rogue would be considered as proficient in the longsword only if he actually carries one (not necessary to actually equip it), otherwise the racial proficiency does not register.


Lord Magus March 16th, 2011 07:17 PM

1) Figured it with childlives[] <> 0

2) Still pending

...and still looking for a way to modify that creation point budget.

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