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whytwolf December 19th, 2010 11:14 AM

AB 3.3 Mobile Roster View

I just started using the AB 3.3 Beta and was trying to use the Mobile Roster option. I was able to create the roster no problem, but cannot open it with my Android 2.2 phone. It won't open the .htm file.

I can read them fine on my laptop.

This feature is very important to me as it would elimiated the need to carry paper roster for casual games.

I suppose pdfs would work, but I like how the mobile rosters collapse and expand the details so only the units show.

Any suggestions? Is there an app I should install that will handle it.



Colen December 19th, 2010 12:33 PM

The mobile roster is just a plain .htm file - have you tried opening it in the web browser on your phone, or emailing it to yourself?

You could also try using one of the file hosting services mentioned in the AB manual, and viewing it in your phone from there.

Hope this helps!

McTaff December 31st, 2010 04:22 AM

As an aside:

I have an iPad. I'd like a electronic file as well as my paper one.

I tried outputting a vanilla PDF file, and then converting to EPUB using Calibre.

I ended up with 80 pages of nothing and text strewn across the remainder. iTunes doesn't support vanilla PDF either, so exactly how is the best way to get a roster into iTunes/onto an iDevice until you sort out an actual app?

\/ \/ \/ -edit to add- \/ \/ \/

FYI: iBooks did support PDF. I was just too thick to figure out how to switch between PDF and Book formats. (That was a long time ago now)

Mr_Rose December 31st, 2010 10:32 AM

Can you not put PDFs into iBooks any more?
I don't own an iDevice any more, but you used to be able to do that...

Colen January 2nd, 2011 08:03 PM

You should be able to just load the PDF roster file into iBooks on your iPad without converting it to anything. Alternatively, try an application like GoodReader or GoodReader Lite, or another PDF viewer, which should let you transfer your file to the iPad in their own ways.

Golf33 July 30th, 2011 09:33 PM

A bit late I know, but hopefully adding new information will be ok.

I found Android 2.3 also has this problem, but I got around it by installing the html reader app: https://market.android.com/details?i...=search_result

Colen July 31st, 2011 06:50 PM

Thanks for the info, Golf33!

armyman463 January 5th, 2012 11:52 AM

i cant transfer mobile rosters to my iphone is there some way this can be fixed

armyman463 January 5th, 2012 12:18 PM

i can load it but i cant expan options y is that on the iphone that is

Colen January 9th, 2012 09:10 AM

That generally happens when the viewer you're using won't execute javascript, which is required for the mobile roster to work. Check the Did You Know section of our latest newsletter to see how to get the file onto your iPhone properly.

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