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rob June 15th, 2010 11:43 AM

Realm Works Update and Overview
Back in late March, we gave a sneak preview of Realm Works to a small number of industry insiders at the GAMA Trade Show. The response was extremely positive. What we demonstrated was a second generation prototype – not a full-blown product yet. Since returning, we've been working hard on the actual product, which we expect to release late this year.

We've also been wrestling with how much information to share about Realm Works publicly at this comparatively early stage. While we definitely want to get the word out about the product, we also don't want to discuss features that are still in flux and subject to major change during development. In the end, we've determined that it's prudent to provide only a limited overview of Realm Works now and unveil more details as we get closer to release (i.e. when those details become confirmed).

So what is the overall Realm Works concept? Well, at its core, Realm Works is a collaborative tool for the creation, ongoing evolution, and sharing of campaign content. As such, Realm Works is tailored first and foremost for GMs, but the dissemination of content to players and even contributions *by* players represent an integral part of the overall product concept. Some of the basic features of Realm Works include the following:

• Brainstorm new ideas and revise content as quickly and easily as typing into your favorite word processor
• Organize content in a variety of complimentary ways, making it easy to manage game content in an intuitive manner
• Manage rich content of diverse types, including text, images, maps, audio, video, character portfolios, etc.
• Access content on-demand during play, having your entire world at your fingertips for instant availability
• Quickly add notes during play, then return later to integrate them at your leisure
• Readily share select material with players for out-of-game viewing and discussion

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous major innovations within Realm Works that we're keeping under wraps right now. Nevertheless, this should give you a basic idea of the Realm Works concept. And just to be sure there's no confusion, Realm Works will be game system agnostic and is being designed to smoothly integrate with Hero Lab.

I hope this gives everyone a sense of what Realm Works is all about. We'll unveil more details in the months to come.

Until then, may the dice be with you. :)

atlarman June 16th, 2010 11:26 AM

sounds great!

EberronKnight June 24th, 2010 04:43 PM

Thanks Rob for giving us something, I understand not being able to give us much at this time. What you listed as what the concept idea is for Realm Works is what I'm wanting!

I can't wait to hear more, I don't know why but I'm dying for this as I'm a everywhere kinda DM/GM and need a system/program to help me organize my campaigns!


atlarman June 24th, 2010 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by eberronknight (Post 40364)
thanks rob for giving us something, i understand not being able to give us much at this time. What you listed as what the concept idea is for realm works is what i'm wanting!

I can't wait to hear more, i don't know why but i'm dying for this as i'm a everywhere kinda dm/gm and need a system/program to help me organize my campaigns!


me too ek, me too!

Micco August 9th, 2010 01:14 AM

I was expecting to see some announcement PR for Realmworks, or at least a mention in someone's GenCon blog. But I haven't seen a peep! :eek:

So what's the scoop? :)

MarkNorfolk August 14th, 2010 04:27 AM

The details certainly being closely guarded. It like a little more concrete info, or even a few more teasers.


rob August 16th, 2010 01:31 PM

We unveiled a great deal of the Realm Works functionality at GenCon, and those present at the seminar now have a good idea of what's in the works. The plan is to get most of the information officially posted on the website. However, that's going to take a fair amount of time and we're currently up to our eyeballs after returning from GenCon. So it's going to be a few more weeks before we get everything posted.

This is one of the unfortunate realities of having a tiny company, since the people who need to focus on product development are the same ones who have to do the marketing related tasks associated with those products. :( And we're already working ridiculously long hours...

MarkNorfolk August 16th, 2010 11:04 PM

That's OK. I guess I'm just hungry for more stuff, especially stuff that'll help run my games. I'll be waiting with anticipation...


Micco August 17th, 2010 03:28 PM

No problem Rob...just anxious to learn more!

I was kinda hoping someone who was there would give us a report (or even better, a bit of a video clip from their phone!)

flamepulse August 17th, 2010 06:10 PM

So is it going to be a client based software or a web based software? with how you talked about the collaberation part it alsmot sounds like it is web based. Or both possibly?

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