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Segallion May 20th, 2010 01:43 PM

Conditions and Spell Conditions
Thought I would add this as a place where we can all perhaps come and help one another in getting the Conditions and Spell Conditions added...as well as hopefully get some help if we get stuck on coding one.

I'm going to start off by adding some additional conditons to the list that is already in play, starting with a smaller list so hopefully we can move forward with the spell conditions alphabetically.

Fight Defensively DONE
Total Defense DONE
Higher Ground DONE
Flanking DONE

Now I've always liked the concealment and cover to be reflective of how much cover/concealment they have, so I'll probably add items for 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% for each.

Can anyone think of anything else to add?

Segallion May 20th, 2010 01:48 PM

Have the First couple done. Will show my work in case anyone else can use the help...plus if I'm doing it wrong then maybe I can be shown a better, or proper way of doing it :).

So Fight Defensively I set to Is Conditon being checked so it shows up in the list as a checkbox option. Eval Script is set as follows

Phase Pre-Level Users Priority 10000 Index 1
~ If we're in output mode, don't do anything
doneif (state.isoutput <> 0)

~ If we're not enabled, get out now
doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0)

~ Subtract 4 to all attack bonuses
hero.child[Attack].field[tAtk].value =-4

~ Add 2 to AC Dodge Bonus
hero.child[ArmorClass].field[tACDodge].value =2

Lawful_g May 20th, 2010 04:12 PM

What is meant by output mode and the "state.isoutput" part?

Lawful_g May 20th, 2010 04:14 PM

Also, for the Dodge bonus, remember dodge bonuses stack. Currently you are setting it to 2, so no matter what came before it will be 2. I would make it:

hero.child[ArmorClass].field[tACDodge].value += 2

Lawful_g May 21st, 2010 12:35 AM

also... -= 4 instead of = -4 for the same reason above.

ShadowChemosh May 21st, 2010 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Segallion (Post 38986)
I'm going to start off by adding some additional conditions to the list that is already in play, starting with a smaller list so hopefully we can move forward with the spell conditions alphabetically.

On cheifweasel's repository site for both 3.5 and PFRPG their is a condition affect .user file that has about 8-10 spells and stuff already done. I remember like Bull's Str and Flanking and some others. Worth checking out so you don't have to recreate the whole wheel. :)

Segallion May 22nd, 2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 39018)
On cheifweasel's repository site for both 3.5 and PFRPG their is a condition affect .user file that has about 8-10 spells and stuff already done. I remember like Bull's Str and Flanking and some others. Worth checking out so you don't have to recreate the whole wheel. :)

Yep found that and that is what I'm working off of. Thanks to all for the replies, I'll go back and work out that and the other's to make sure I've got them in to help avoid the stacking problem.

Segallion May 25th, 2010 03:16 PM

Back to the grindstone. Updated original post.
Script for Flanking:
~ If we're in output mode, don't do anything
doneif (state.isoutput <> 0)

~ If we're not enabled, get out now
doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0)

hero.child[Attack].field[tAtkMelee].value += 2

Script for Higher Ground:
~ If we're in output mode, don't do anything
doneif (state.isoutput <> 0)

~ If we're not enabled, get out now
doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0)

hero.child[Attack].field[tAtkMelee].value += 1

Segallion May 25th, 2010 03:41 PM

Sitting/Kneeling looks like it might be a problem. The AC values are different vs Melee and vs. Ranged. Not sure of the best approach for this. Since I can't ever remember having this come up in a game I might just leave this off the main list and have it under the Conditions where you can select it.

Now on to Running.

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