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Bearo1984 August 27th, 2022 04:56 AM

Synthesist Summoner - Eidolon Evolution
Hi All,

Very new here :D. I did a search but found no issues similar to what I am experiencing.

Issue with the addition of Evolution points to Eidolon. I cant seem to find where I am supposed to add correctly allocate my evolution points.

I am getting "Fused Elidolon" in Yellow with a Caution Icon, with "Racial Custom Abilities: Resource Underspent: 0 of 4" underneath.

If I go further down to the "Aspects" section, which contains all the evolutions, I cant add any as it says I "Summoner (Synthesist): Aspects Overspent: 1 of 0"

Can someone please let me know that I am doing wrong? Or is this a bug?

Ryan F August 31st, 2022 05:29 AM

Hey there,

That sounds like a bug to me, for sure. Do us a favor and reach out to the email address you'll find in my signature and send us an email with any and all context you can muster. Additionally, when you send that message we would also like to get a good look at exactly what you're seeing.

You should be able to help us get a better idea of what is going on by using the Share with Support Character snapshot function to send us a copy of the Character where you found this issue. Locate the PC from the Character Select screen or folder where they're stored, click the ... button and you should find a panel that includes an option to Share with Support, select this and confirm the operation, please. Once that's done you should be given a Character ID, copy that, include that information in your email, and it will be a big help with regard to helping us see exactly what you do.


Bearo1984 August 31st, 2022 11:49 PM

Hi Ryan,

Email has been sent with details.


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