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Krothos February 23rd, 2022 10:57 AM

Community Pack
The one missing feature that is keeping me from migrating to HLO is the lack of custom features, similar to the HLC Editor. I understand the reason why this wasn't implemented with HLO. However, the Community Pack is a very comprehensive and inclusive set of options that would be extremely valuable to the player base. I know for myself if the options from the Community Pack were added to HLO PF1E, I would immediately make the switch.

So, this is a feature request for something that I'm sure would be greatly appreciated by your player base!

Please, and thank you.

thaX February 23rd, 2022 09:56 PM

In that vein, I wonder if there is a way to implement the World is Square alternate rule-set as a checkmark in the player/character Settings.

Dami February 24th, 2022 10:17 PM

Without an editor, there won't be a Community Pack or any other user written packages that can be ported across to HLO.

Krothos February 25th, 2022 10:46 AM

Not an editor specifically. The devs mentioned that adding an editor wasn't possible with their current configuration and something they'd consider adding in the far future.

My comment was more suggesting that they add what was already built by ShadowChemosh on the backend, to allow those options to be available for use in the software. And by extension the World is Square rule-set.

Mathias February 25th, 2022 11:23 AM

Which pieces of the community pack are everyone's priorities? Different pieces will require different amounts of work to incorporate and some of them are third party content that will require permission from various companies to include. Most of the adjustments from the community pack have already been incorporated into HLO PF1 with ShadowChemosh's permission.

I see a vote for World is Square from thaX. What other sections of the community pack would be valuable to integrate into HLO PF1?

asvaldson February 25th, 2022 11:51 AM

I would deff. like the Dream Scarred Press Psionics added. I use the Spheres system as well, but that one is a paid package that does not run through Wolflair, so I doubt that is even a possibility.

Krothos February 25th, 2022 01:48 PM

Thank you, Mathias. That's good to know about the adjustments from SC's community pack.

That's 2 votes for WiS please :)

Maidhc O Casain February 26th, 2022 03:08 AM

And another for World is Square!

Roadie February 26th, 2022 03:05 PM

For me the psionics content is a big one, since it's one of the pieces that for the most part is so long-standing (especially with the stuff that's just a direct translation of the 3.5 XPH) that it's treated as a given by a lot of GMs.

Note that there's still some of the later psionics-related books from Dreamscarred that have never been added to the Community Pack, though.

I'd assume there probably wouldn't be rights issues here because all the DSP psionics books are mostly PI-free because of that XPH inheritance, but there might be complications with some of them because the company is pretty much dead and incommunicado at this point, to the point that nobody in the 3PP community knows what's going on at all with DSP's legal owner.

asvaldson March 1st, 2022 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Roadie (Post 298426)
but there might be complications with some of them because the company is pretty much dead and incommunicado at this point, to the point that nobody in the 3PP community knows what's going on at all with DSP's legal owner.

I DID find an obituary for a Jeremy Smith in Dallas for 2021. No way of knowing if it's him or not. But that IS his name and the city he was living in when he made a post on kickstarter around the time Covid started.

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