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Dr_Automaton August 20th, 2013 01:58 PM

Bug: "Wrapper object not found within list"
I submitted a couple of crash reports on this but thought I'd share here. I had an issue where when I attempted to open a specific realm in my account, the RW Launcher would crash with the err message, "Wrapper object not found within list". I could open other realms, but this one (which happened to hold the majority of data in my account) would go down in flames every time. I was finally able to apparently fix it by restoring a backup from several days ago before I encountered the problem, then restoring a backup I made after I discovered the issue. The result is that the problematic realm now seems run fine, presumably without any loss of data on any realm. Weird.

Anyone else see something like this?

lfseeney August 20th, 2013 06:41 PM

Sounds like some sort of connection missed and was relinked.

If you have the BAD copy still, RW might want it.

rob August 20th, 2013 08:49 PM

If RW failed on launch every time with that realm, it's quite likely the issue arose due to something incorrect in the saved preferences. Once you went to an older backup and then to a newer one, everything would work fine if the saved state was the culprit. In this situation, the tip I provided in a separate thread for crashing on startup should fix the issue.

Dr_Automaton August 21st, 2013 07:45 AM

Ugh, happened again to the same realm. I first tried Rob's suggestion to delete the preference file (is there supposed to be a "LWD Technology, Inc>>Realm Works" and "Lone Wolf Development, Inc>>Realm Works" folder in the Roaming directory, BTW?), but the problem persisted. I was forced to use my previously detailed process to fix it.

Here are a few new observations:
  • I usually select "Work Offline" since I'm not really interested in the online content aspect of RW and logging in is just an extra step.
  • The problem has occurred after I've been editing another realm, and then exit and attempt to open the problematic realm.
  • To resolve the problem, I seem to have to be logged into the RW server when going through the restore process. I first tried a couple of times to restore the old backup and my latest backup while working offline, to no effect. I then repeated the same steps, but first logged myself into the server when starting RW. That appeared to make a difference.

Anyway, things seem to be working again, but this is starting to look like a chronic problem. I'll cross my fingers and hope that the upcoming update might inadvertently fix whatever is causing the issue. That aside, still love the software! :)

theprofessor August 22nd, 2013 09:46 AM

Same issue
I have a similar problem and sent a report in on the matter. RW will not load old pre-problem backups--I get the same error message. I can, however, start a whole new realm and it seems to work fine. My error developed when I tried to edit something using the word-processor tools.

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