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-   -   My consolidated list of feature suggestions (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=61552)

kbs666 November 10th, 2018 11:03 AM

My consolidated list of feature suggestions
This is a list of suggestions for features for Realm Works. Most are from the forum but some are my own.

Smart images
1) Permanent labels (IMO these should only appear at a certain zoom state or at some other trigger to reduce clutter but that is another thing that could be worked out)
2) links directly to other maps
3) image maps in RW (a defined region in an image that is a link)
4) allowing multiple kinds and colors of pins (should simply allow users to install their own BMP or whatever the image is somewhere).
5) Allow links to map pins, this would open the map and center it on the map zoomed at some level with the map center on the pin (perhaps with the pin also highlighted in some way)
6) Added in build 248 Reveal smart image by drawing a polygon rather than using the default method. Simply put a number of points on the screen and close the polygon by clicking the first point to reveal the area inside.
7) A number of items have been removed under the assumption that 64 bit will solve a lot of smart image issues

1) Bidirectional arrows.
2) Remember user preference for vertical or horizontal display
3) Allow arrows and boxes to have user defined colors, and boxes to have user defined shapes
4) Allow GM to mark the party's position in the storyboard and have that be persistent

1) user defined relationships
2) expand the kinds of relationships available (1 & 2 were separate but related requests both included for completeness)
3) add a sibling relationship to the existing allowed family relationships.

Topics & Articles
1) individual reveal on a per character basis, not on per player basis as a player could have more than one character playing the same campaign
2) Player Journals, topic editable by individual player specific to individual character and links based on that character's reveal status. Should be revealed to the GM and that player automatically, can be revealed to other players based on the authoring player's wishes
3) Plurals assumes English. Allow user defined plural or at least include some of the more common ways plurals are made.
4) User defined snippet styles
5) Added in build 248 Place the predefined snippet styles on the format ribbon
6) Allow custom icons for topics
7) Allow adding prefixes and suffixes to topics during creation.
8) Allow the tooltip for a topic/article link to be a user defined text snippet defaulting to the overview snippet.
9) Added in build 247 Create and implement a setting where only the first occurrence of a link is created in each snippet.
10) Increase the width of tag and labeled text snippets.
11) Align all the text fields of labeled text snippets within a section.

Realm Management
1) Folders for realms
2) Archiving of realms
3) Added in build 250 Sync realm without closing realm

1) Can we have calendars, please?
2) When we get calendars, please?, can we also get a better timeline?
3) Implement relative date/time snippets. These would be useful primarily in adventures where events are timed relative to the start of the adventure.

The one area I left out is player view. I've grown increasingly dissatisfied with it over the last couple of years as have my players. I've seen a few general complaints and a few specific issues but not a lot of "this will make player view better" type stuff and I'm really at a loss as well.

Vargr November 10th, 2018 11:13 AM

Good list. I think it catches some of the more often asked for features; features that I imagine most if not all users would find useful.

Maidhc O Casain November 11th, 2018 03:33 AM

Nice, kbs. Thanks for this!

Greebo November 11th, 2018 10:43 PM

Thanks for compiling the list, kbs. And, while we`re at it, another


for the list in general, and the "Big C" in particular, from me.

ibecker November 12th, 2018 07:16 AM

Huge +1 to this list! Thanks for taking the time to compile the greatest hits from the features we've all requested over the years.


Merion November 12th, 2018 11:15 AM

Oh, yes, in case it wan't clear: +1 to all items on the list

Cammagno November 12th, 2018 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by kbs666 (Post 272510)
This is a list of suggestions for features for Realm Works. Most are from the forum but some are my own.

I add some more:

- let the player assign snippet styles to the snippets in category definition
- a word/grammar corrector
- a find and replace working over all the topics
- manua-.created labeled text snippet allowing for a longer label (as the one created inside manage category)
- please make Remove Protection really remove protection. If I choose to remove protection from a Global Category, I want to be able tu fully edit it as a user-made category. Same for tags and relationships.

kbs666 November 12th, 2018 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cammagno (Post 272595)
- please make Remove Protection really remove protection. If I choose to remove protection from a Global Category, I want to be able tu fully edit it as a user-made category. Same for tags and relationships.

This is a really really bad idea. You might not screw it up but you'd never be able to import anything using the default categories. Also anyone who did what you suggest who exported anything would destroy the realms of anyone who imported the material.

Just make a copy of the built in categories, make your changes and then hide the protected ones and use your new ones.

Cammagno November 13th, 2018 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by kbs666 (Post 272599)
This is a really really bad idea. You might not screw it up but you'd never be able to import anything using the default categories. Also anyone who did what you suggest who exported anything would destroy the realms of anyone who imported the material.

Just make a copy of the built in categories, make your changes and then hide the protected ones and use your new ones.

Listen, I know what you mean, but the remove protection is there for some reason, right? And it allows for deep editing, but with some flaws. As it is right now, you can change almost everything in an unprotected category (messing up everything if someone import it) but not some important things, such as the possibility to move one category as a subcategory of another one, and so on. I really would like that "remove protection", that should be used very carefully, I agree with you, allows full editing.

Generally speaking, the behaviour that you (and RW itself) suggest sure is the best one in most of the cases, and I also used it. But there are cases in which it's not practical, and I suppose that this is the reason which made Rob include Remove protection in RW.
For example, consider my actual Realm, which is set in a game system which is directly derived from Pathfinder but with some changes, and, more important, it's not in English, it's in Italian. This means that it uses 90% of the Pathfinder mechancs, but that I have to make 10% of changes (and if it was only this, I could do as you suggest), but I also have to translate *everything*. Doing this by editing the original categories and tags is an hard work, but doing it by dupicating each of them, recreating their hierarchical relationship and than hiding all the original categoris make it much harder. And with no benefit, because I will never export it for basic Pathfinder, it would be meaningless :)

kbs666 November 13th, 2018 03:55 AM

You're still asking for something that will inevitably do harm to someone. There is a harmless option available. It may annoy you but its there and it takes literally the same number of mouse clicks or keystrokes. I can see no benefit.

Further I do not want to derail this topic with this discussion. This is for features that are widely desired and this isn't one.

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