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Loyal Bulldog August 18th, 2017 01:35 AM


I started using multiple topics recently and I discovered I could only have three in my ribbon, that's fine.

But what bugs me, is I can only have 6 total. I have a ribbon for the continent, the country, the area and the town where my players are in.
I then wanted to use a topic for each session we play but this will not be possible apparently.
Is there a reason for this?

Kind regards,

Valyar August 18th, 2017 07:58 AM

What you have in the ribbon are Views. They can be customized to include topics and articles from the World Almanach or Mechanics sections, but you have to have different views to display those, since the tool is logically separated between "Mechanics" and "World" sections.

I am not sure what you want to achieve, so maybe if you can share a screen shot or two?

Loyal Bulldog August 19th, 2017 07:07 AM

In the picture below you can see I can't add more than six topic views.

So I was wondering why this is, because my plan was to make a topic view for each adventure my player get into.
For example I would like to put everything from 'The Forge Of Fury' in one topic view, so I have everything together.



Parody August 19th, 2017 09:40 AM

The easiest workaround (given the limitations) is to add Tags to all of the Topics/Articles/etc. for an entire adventure and filter on those Tags to view the appropriate subset. Keep Views for other levels, like what you need right now.

In your picture it appears you're trying to be very detailed, doing a view per session plus some adventure regions? Maybe cutting down to just one view for the current session and one for the needed adventure areas would work.

As far as why, well, the original concept for what became Views was to have two completely separate sets of Topics:

- Everything the group is concerned with at the moment, called the Story Almanac.

- Everything else, called the World Almanac.

Topics only appeared in one or the other, but you could move them back and forth between the two. Articles only had one place, the Mechanics Reference.

After some prodding they changed it so everything would appear in one View and you could make Custom Views as a subset, but the intent remains that you'd use them to focus on current activities and similar transient things. (You're welcome to do whatever, of course. :)

Farling August 19th, 2017 10:35 AM

Don't forget that the "Reveal History" is a way of looking back and finding out when things were revealed. So if you mark topics as revealed as the party encounter them, then you can work out in which gaming session it was encountered.

Loyal Bulldog August 23rd, 2017 02:09 AM


Thanks for your answers! I'll be looking into making some changes, then.

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