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-   -   Different way to display New Link unit details? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=6266)

shaggai June 1st, 2006 10:50 PM

Different way to display New Link unit details?
In the 40K files, the Inqusitor unit uses New Link buttons to select the numerous child unit options it can take (Acolytes, Sages, etc.). In the unit details it lists them as "Acoylte: Add Acolyte to retinue" or "Sage: Add Sage to the Retinue"

However, when you select multiple acolytes via the buttons, you end up with "Acolyte: Add Acolyte to retinue; Acoylte: Add Acolyte to retinue". All this can add up to an excessive number of these extra details in the onscreen and hard copy.

Could there be a way that it could be done like linked options, where they would show as ""Acolyte: Add Acolyte to retinue (x2)" when used in multiples? Or to ignore a similar instance of duplicated text in this fashion?

Thanks for any info.

rob June 6th, 2006 04:38 AM

Different way to display New Link unit details?
Since I don't play 40K, I have no reference with which to understand your example. In fact, I don't even have a clue what army an Inquisitor belongs to, else I could maybe go find out. Please point me to the example you outline below, telling me exactly the steps needed to see this in action. Also point me to where I can find the details of how things are being implemented wihtin the data files (i.e. data files, unit ids, option ids, etc.). I'll then take a look and see if I can offer some suggestions.


At 11:50 PM 6/1/2006, you wrote:


In the 40K files, the Inqusitor unit uses New Link buttons to select the numerous child unit options it can take (Acolytes, Sages, etc.). In the unit details it lists them as "Acoylte: Add Acolyte to retinue" or "Sage: Add Sage to the Retinue"

However, when you select multiple acolytes via the buttons, you end up with "Acolyte: Add Acolyte to retinue; Acoylte: Add Acolyte to retinue". All this can add up to an excessive number of these extra details in the onscreen and hard copy.

Could there be a way that it could be done like linked options, where they would show as ""Acolyte: Add Acolyte to retinue (x2)" when used in multiples? Or to ignore a similar instance of duplicated text in this fashion?

Thanks for any info.

Bluefool June 6th, 2006 08:51 AM

Say, Rob, which games *do* you play? Could be valuable insight :).

shaggai June 6th, 2006 03:21 PM

OK - use the 40K files, use the Witchhunter roster list. Use the HQ unit "Inquisitor Lord". In the Add Units tab there should be 6 types of child unit (Acolyte, sage, Penitent, Warrior, Familiar, and Chirugeon). Now the Inquisitor Lord can take a total of 12 of these (with a minimum of three) - so start picking and watch the phrases begin to add up.

Note that when adding, use the link button instead of upping their number using +/-. (In some cases it's better that way, but some can be very different from each other, even if they are the same type of choice). In the summary on the top right, and in the print preview you should see the excesssive details.

rob June 12th, 2006 06:38 PM

Different way to display New Link unit details?
Not nearly as many as I used to. :-( I seem to spend most of my time working these days. When I do get to play, the games I usually play are WFB and Mordheim. I used to try out a whole bunch of games - usually fantasy. Alas, I just haven't got the free time anymore....


At 09:51 AM 6/6/2006, you wrote:


Say, Rob, which games *do* you play? Could be valuable insight [img]./modules/mdforum/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] .

rob June 12th, 2006 06:43 PM

Different way to display New Link unit details?
Ah, now I see what you mean about the extraneous entries in roster output. I believe you can achieve what you want by simply designating the option as "design only". That way, it will only appear within the UI and NOT within roster output. The child units themselves, however, WILL continue to appear in the roster output.

Hope this helps,

At 04:21 PM 6/6/2006, you wrote:


OK - use the 40K files, use the Witchhunter roster list. Use the HQ unit "Inquisitor Lord". In the Add Units tab there should be 6 types of child unit (Acolyte, sage, Penitent, Warrior, Familiar, and Chirugeon). Now the Inquisitor Lord can take a total of 12 of these (with a minimum of three) - so start picking and watch the phrases begin to add up.

Note that when adding, use the link button instead of upping their number using +/-. (In some cases it's better that way, but some can be very different from each other, even if they are the same type of choice). In the summary on the top right, and in the print preview you should see the excesssive details.

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