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wolkenmann September 13th, 2005 04:54 AM

Spacemarine Dreadnought missing options
Hi there.
For i'm informed right i hope, the dreadnought as elite choice is still able to choose it's weaponary from the IA II -Book.
But there are no choices for those weapons:
- twin linked heavy bolter
- twin linked autocannon
- plasmacannon

Altough they are not totaly official, yet there's also no entry for the drill weapon and the inferno gun. - which wasn't urgent anyway..

So after all - the possibility of blank entries with free choice of points would be really a good thing.


HakujinGrande September 16th, 2005 06:46 PM

I don't have the IA II book, and with it's high price, I'm not purchasing it any time soon. Without the book, or the information, I can't exactly fix or invalidate your report.

wolkenmann September 19th, 2005 01:57 AM

Could you send me please your email, so i could send you the rules back.
I think a scan of the pages would do it best.
So, just send those information and i'll do the best i can to help you fix those missing points.


HakujinGrande September 21st, 2005 05:29 PM

I got the information I needed to update the Dreadnought entry, except for the Drill Weapon and Inferno Gun. Where are the rules for those weapons?

wolkenmann September 22nd, 2005 03:23 AM

Actually they are remouved from the forgeworld homepage due they come within the new book "imperial armour update 2005".
Which i haven't got yet.
I think within the gamers board i'm a active member there will be someone able to send me the rules.
Unfortunately the book isn't issued, yet.


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