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-   -   Lore Seeker feat requiring situational behavior? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=67157)

Seeker1728 June 23rd, 2022 02:17 PM

Lore Seeker feat requiring situational behavior?
I'm stumped by a player who is playing a Lore Oracle and upon taking the Scrollmaster Dedication, was recently able to pick up the feat Lore Seeker. Now he gets a invalidation report instructing him to specify a "Situational Behavior", with a selection menu that is empty upon attempting to choose one.

First off, am I missing something? Situational behavior? I've read the Archetype several times before posting here and I can't see anything that requires a situation behavior to trigger. Granted, taking the dedication itself comes with a situational bonus for RK rolls, but I'm not able to pick up on what this error message is attempting to get at. Lore Seeker itself has no situational behavior requirements, it grants innate spells for taking the feat with no situational requirements other than taking the dedication itself.

2ndly, I attempted to fill in the field myself, as I was going to literally type 'ignore' but it won't let me enter any custom text as well. So not sure if this is a bug or something that's a WIP, and if so, I'd really appreciate what it is that it's trying to satisfy RAW as for the life of me, I can't find any sort of situational behavior requirement for the feat.

Edit: it does however, populate the innate spells correctly under the Focus, Rituals & Other Spells section.

Daniel V June 23rd, 2022 07:22 PM

"Situational Behaviors" is just the header for a section of controls, in which this selection dropdown appears. There's no validation error saying to specify a "Situational Behavior", it's saying to make a selection in the dropdown, except there are no options to select because it seems to be there in error.

Seeker1728 June 27th, 2022 11:05 AM

Thanks for the reply. So then my thought is to suppress the "validation error" report since it's not a valid one. Anything I should be on the look out for if I do so?

I.E. by suppressing it, when an error correction to this is made by the staff it causes some sort of issue that is cleared only by walking back the adjustment I made?

Mathias June 27th, 2022 12:37 PM

The information you're supposed to fill in is to choose which of your existing spellcasting types to copy, so that the three spells added by this feat are the same tradition, but since the three spells in this case don't have DCs or attack rolls, there's not any calculations that will come up on a regular basis that are derived from that Tradition choice. Without a selection of a spellcasting type, the spells this adds default to being Arcane/INT. So once this is fixed, if you want to use a different spellcasting type, you'll need to undo the error suppression and choose a spellcasting type.

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