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TCArknight June 17th, 2020 02:38 PM

Deadlands backers?
Curious... Are there any backers of the Deadlands: Lost Colony or Deadlands: Weird West that would be willing to put a dataset for each through the paces and provide feedback? :)

CapedCrusader June 17th, 2020 10:37 PM

If you're talking about the new Deadlands for SWADE, that's on me. I usually wait for the release versions, they are still in pre-release.

TCArknight June 18th, 2020 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by CapedCrusader (Post 289242)
If you're talking about the new Deadlands for SWADE, that's on me. I usually wait for the release versions, they are still in pre-release.

That would be the one. :)

I was anxious for the WW data because planning on running a PbP of it myself... I think I have all the data together and updated for the v2 pre-release.

I'm attaching it and the Lost Colony files I've put together which you are welcome to use going forward. (or I can take those and run to take a bit off your plate...)

(Lost Colony has a specific Spaceships tab, and Weird West has a redone Armory tab to allow for use of Modifications on weapons, etc.)

basic_element June 24th, 2020 06:38 AM

I'm a backer and willing to test it out. What do you do with these .dat files? They also just released version 3 yesterday.

CapedCrusader June 24th, 2020 10:12 AM

Well, these should be .user files, not .dat files.

basic_element June 24th, 2020 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by CapedCrusader (Post 289331)
Well, these should be .user files, not .dat files.

Thanks, changing them to .user files worked. Did you update the system to categorize the edges by type? It looks much better!

TCArknight - So I just did a quick test and this is awesome stuff! I created a quick Chi Master and it worked as expected. I was able to add the Arcane background (Chi Master) and the new Focus skill. Of course there are some mistakes based on V2 of the pre-release like it saying for "Arcane Background (gifted)" in the notes. I was able to check out the armory and gear and it looks to be all there.

One feedback would be if there is a way to modify the power descriptions since it is unique to Chi Masters. The range is limit to self and now with V3 touch. And foes who resist now needs a touch attack and then the power cast using multi actions.

I'll keep playing around with it and provide more feedback.


zarlor June 24th, 2020 12:55 PM

Edges are normally categorized by type at character creation. However when doing an Advance they are listed alphabetically instead, if I remember correctly. Not sure why the difference, though.

basic_element June 24th, 2020 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by zarlor (Post 289333)
Edges are normally categorized by type at character creation. However when doing an Advance they are listed alphabetically instead, if I remember correctly. Not sure why the difference, though.

Ah you are correct Zarlor. The advancement edges should have the categories also.

CapedCrusader June 24th, 2020 02:44 PM

That's always been a sticking point. Some folks like the categorized list, some folks like the alphabetical list.

basic_element June 24th, 2020 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by CapedCrusader (Post 289335)
That's always been a sticking point. Some folks like the categorized list, some folks like the alphabetical list.

I think the categorized list makes more sense because this is how the core book organizes it. There is no where in the core book that has the alphabetical listing so it's a pain to look for an edge in the book for more info unless you know what category it belongs to.

Maybe you can make it an option in the menu and allow the user to pick? But, doesn't make sense to have it inconsistent in 2 places.

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