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-   -   Can We Please Stop Talking about RW "Demise?" (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=63481)

Maidhc O Casain November 26th, 2019 06:07 AM

Can We Please Stop Talking about RW "Demise?"
Seriously, folks. I get it. I'm disappointed. You're disappointed. We're all disappointed. RealmWorks will not live up to its promised potential. That sucks.

BUT... how many threads do we need to express our disappointment? Dwelling on it doesn't help, it's really started to grind, it's not going to change the reality, and it's just turning into a very non-productive gripe session. It really makes these forums a negative place to be.

Robb and company have stated explicitly, specifically, that RealmWorks is not going away. "Not being further developed" is not the same thing as "dead." But ironically, all of the negativity being generated here might someday push RW into the very "true death" that many of you apparently believe it has already died.

So, here is my plea:

Please focus on the positive! Even in its current state, RealmWorks is still hands down the best world-building, world-organizing tool I've ever used. I've looked at WorldAnvil, I've looked at YARPS. I'd look at LegendKeeper if it wasn't going to cost me $5 just to get a peek at the beta. They're pretty, sure. But they sure don't match RealmWorks functionality, even at the highest subscription rates (and even the lowest tiers cost as much or more than the minimal server access fee for RW/HLO that most people here have been so adamantly opposed to).

Instead of bemoaning the fact that it's not going to grow further, can we please go back to offering suggestions about how to get the best out of it? There is much use to be gleaned from this fantastic tool yet. Let's help each other wring every bit of utility, every bit of enjoyment, out of it that we possibly can!

That's it - that's my ask. Everyone who reads this and gives my request serious consideration has my sincere thanks for doing so!

tkarn November 26th, 2019 09:24 AM

+1 for me

Acenoid November 26th, 2019 02:42 PM

I will surely continue to use Realm Works and I hope youre right :)

Thaldon November 26th, 2019 09:33 PM

I love realm works and will continue to use into the foreseeable future.

kbs666 November 26th, 2019 09:42 PM

I have way too many hours invested. I could export it all and then try to re-enter it all into something else but the very thought give me the dry heaves.

Teresa November 27th, 2019 02:18 AM

+1, it is also quite adaptable to other uses outside games

Maidhc O Casain November 27th, 2019 03:49 AM

Yes it is! I'd love to write a fantasy novel, and am using RW to keep up with characters, plots, schemes, and all sorts of other things as I come up with them :).

Gord November 28th, 2019 08:36 AM

I have to agree with this. RW is still the best around from what I've seen. I'm still entering new data on a regular basis because of it's current capabilities. Yes, I'm unhappy at the current state of affairs but it is usable and is not going away. I'll just hope that things change in the future and we see improvements again.

Acenoid November 28th, 2019 02:02 PM

The envy --- when i check out the HLO forums *sigh*

Ualaa November 29th, 2019 01:22 PM

It mostly does what it did when I bought it.

I'm only really missing that it doesn't open the 64-bit version of HL, for the RW stored portfolios.
That would have made the Content Market Bestiary purchases useful...
(As in, integrate RW portfolio (of adversaries) into running HL portfolio (of Heroes).)

I still use it as a game organizing tool.
It's great at what it does.

If in the future, more content market stuff is added, I'd take a look at it.
Especially Dreamscarred Press (Ultimate Psionics, Path of War) or Drop Dead Studios (Spheres of Power, Spheres of Might)...

If features are eventually added, awesome too.

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