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-   -   Very Disappointed in content release. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=65923)

Darius Silverbolt May 17th, 2021 06:43 AM

Very Disappointed in content release.

Its neem 8 months from this post.

In that time how many backlogged releases have we gotten for Starfinder?


Only 3 AP's of 8 have any support in HLO. The signal of screams AP was last released on Jan 2019. 29 months later and you haven't released a thing.

Where is the promised starships?

We got AA4 and that is basically all we have seen. There isn't any starfinder news on the website and none of the social media platform.

Is it time you guys give us the truth of production? It seems like a dead product. Its been treated like a dead product.

I am at the point where I am going to treat it like a dead product and stop funding my online account.

Your online forums barely even function and crash so much its hard to communicate with you and you haven't setup an alternate means.

Your lack of communication has been staggering.

marroon69 May 20th, 2021 06:58 PM

They have been releasing fixes to Starfinder in the last two patches. I know starships have been discussed but no date given but it was on the list of things to do. The forums never really recovered from the outage a while back :(

Darius Silverbolt May 23rd, 2021 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by marroon69 (Post 295130)
They have been releasing fixes to Starfinder in the last two patches. I know starships have been discussed but no date given but it was on the list of things to do. The forums never really recovered from the outage a while back :(

True on the forum. I think switching over to something much more reliable such as Discord would be better in many ways. Not a perfect answer but easier.

Dax Thura June 16th, 2021 01:12 AM

I, too, am frustrated with the lack of support for the Adventure Path line in Hero Labs.

TheMaskedFerret June 17th, 2021 06:31 PM

Well, at least they added support for the Galaxy Exploration Manual and the Alien Character Deck today!

Geodragon June 18th, 2021 04:19 AM

But, still no AP content padt a certain point. In SFS, you can spend points or have gotten boons to play certain AP races, such as Planar Scion races like Undine from Dead Suns.

Tohmaturge June 18th, 2021 03:10 PM

This latest newsletter did make me wonder what's LWD process for deciding which SF content to implement... Why concentrate on Galaxy Exploration Manual and not Dawn of Flames / Attack of the Swarm APs ?

I'll always be glad we get new material. I'm just interested into the decision process

Dax Thura June 22nd, 2021 11:40 PM

I'll always be glad for new material as well. However, I expect it to have all of the available material. That's why I spend my money to have the service. Otherwise I could save the money and just do it by hand.

mototom June 23rd, 2021 08:00 AM

It's hard to tell what drives decisions. I know transparency can be a double-edged sword, as some people will set hard expectations based on what's shared. But personally, I think LW would benefit from some combination of publishing their roadmap, making feature requests public and able to be voted on by the community, and insight into how their teams work.

In the agile teams I've coached, transparency is paramount in building trust with your stakeholders. Of course, they've been at this a long time, and may limit that transparency to internal product owners because they've learned the community isn't very flexible when things don't work out.

Geodragon July 1st, 2021 07:41 AM

So, I see Pathfinder AP is pretty close to up to date. While Starfinder is so far behind. I'm missing SFS sanctioned content and allowed content with boon/ACP from Adventure Paths (example, Planar Scions such as Undines), and then there are the Themes like Battle Medic.

When will we see the Starfinder AP stuff? I'm not concerned with the GM stuff, I want the player stuff added.. The character generator is why I got the original HL, and when HLO had SFS as the flagship product, it seemed pretty good and I invested in it.. But now.. It's so far behind on SFS AP stuff, it's causing me to lose interest, since that's what I need it for the most.

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