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craghammer March 30th, 2017 10:30 PM

Deafening silence?
Is everybody busy playing, or is there just nothing happening?
Have we given up nagging LWD about Content Market, or actually waiting patiently? :)

daplunk March 30th, 2017 10:45 PM

Shhhh you'll disrupt the coding bears!

Everyone has had a taste of what's just around the corner and now understand that the best thing we can do is let LWD get it across the line in all its time saving glory ;)

craghammer March 30th, 2017 11:13 PM

Hehe, agreed. As a manager for 25 developers I've learned that the best thing is to leave them alone to finish their tasks, unless you want to get bitten :)

AEIOU March 31st, 2017 07:25 AM

I'm waiting as patiently as I can for GenCon for the KS material and content market....

EightBitz March 31st, 2017 01:35 PM

<- Job hunting, tax season, preparing for an on-site interview on Tuesday, soliciting professional references and letters of recommendation from former colleagues and managers. Trying to maintain and further build on my professional network to make it easier to find and follow other leads.

So, how are things going with you? :-)

Absintheminded78 March 31st, 2017 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by EightBitz (Post 247200)
<- Job hunting, tax season, preparing for an on-site interview on Tuesday, soliciting professional references and letters of recommendation from former colleagues and managers. Trying to maintain and further build on my professional network to make it easier to find and follow other leads.

So, how are things going with you? :-)

Probably a little less busy than you :D

Good luck on Tuesday!

kbs666 April 1st, 2017 04:14 AM

I've been really busy and have barely had time to work on my campaign much less post here. Going to try and get a video done today but I've got actual work to do as well before my game starts so it may be tomorrow before it gets done.

wurzel April 1st, 2017 05:20 AM

Nothing happens here... not even an april fool's joke. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

Gord April 1st, 2017 10:03 AM

Business year end, trade show, store renovations, kids, courses, home renos, rental property problems for my aunt with dementia, government bureaucracy, business being good, setting up a new business and lots of paperwork.

It's been busy.

EightBitz April 1st, 2017 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gord (Post 247222)
Business year end, trade show, store renovations, kids, courses, home renos, rental property problems for my aunt with dementia, government bureaucracy, business being good, setting up a new business and lots of paperwork.

It's been busy.

I miss my aunt. :-( The last thanksgiving we had together, I had baked a cheesecake. It was actually her brother's (my uncle's) secret recipe. I was only able to get it from him because he wanted mom's recipe for baklava. I heard mom giving him the recipe one day over the phone, and I'm like, "Mom, stop! Don't just give it to him! TRADE!" Mom didn't listen and gave him the recipe anyway. But he took pity on me and still gave me the recipe.

Anyway, after dinner, my sister was cutting it and passing slices around. Aunt got one of the first slices. I guess she took a couple of bites and set it down somewhere ... and forgot all about it. She was asking my sister if she could have a slice. My sister said, "Didn't I already give you one?" (She was confused, not being mean or stingy or rude. We all loved our aunt very much. She was a second mom to us.)

Aunt got a confused look on her face like she didn't understand the question and asked again for a slice. My sister, still confused, said that she had already given her one. I interjected, with a strong hint in my tone, "Give her another slice."

My sister looked at me with confusion, then she got what was happening and cut her another slice.

In fairness to my sister, she lives far away and wasn't here everyday to be reminded of aunt's deterioration. She knew about it, but she never really saw the consequences of it. So that's why she was kind of slow on the uptake.

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