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Dakonofrath April 16th, 2020 03:20 PM

Editor Question for custom armor

I'm working in the Hero Lab editor and I'm trying to make some custom armor and I'm having a really hard time figuring out something I originally thought would be simple (go figure).

The armor is not magical, but it grants a +2 Str bonus and a -4 Dex penalty when wearing it. How do I input this into the editor to get this bonus to automatically apply when the character equips the armor?

I've clicked on every button in the Armor tab and I even tried making it magical armor and clicked through everything there and I can't find anything that works. Here's what I've already tried:

1. I tried to make non-magical armor and couldn't find anything granting abilities or powers. I left the non-magical version for a base armor.
2. I tried making a magic armor but nothing in the "Armor Powers" button grants the ability to modify stats.
3. I tried appending the reference information because that has a +2STR button but that does nothing but list information. It doesn't modify the stat.
4. I tried adding +2 attribute modified in the Automatic Calculations button and then in Charge Calc Attribute I clicked Str and I set the Usage Period and Constant and that didn't do anything either.
5. I tried creating an Item Power but had the same problems as numbers 3 and 4.

Where do I input the information to make the armor provide the bonus and the penalty as soon as the character equips it?

Thanks for the help.

Daniel V April 16th, 2020 06:38 PM

Take a look at the stat boosting belt. They have eval scripts to apply modifiers that you can copy-paste into your armor.

1. Magic armor is only needed if you don't want to let modifications be applied to it. Making it non-magical lets you select it as a form of magic armor and apply abilities.
2. Item powers are the modifiers that can be selected by magic armor or bootstrapped on. You could set up an item power with the same scripts if you wanted itto be able to be added to different things.
3. Yeah, reference info is just the description info from the referenced ability.
4. Automatic calculations and Charge Calc are used to set the tracker info, specifically # of uses per period. So that would generate a value based on 2 + your Str modifier.
5. See 2.

Here, this is the code you're wanting, so I can walk it though a bit:


      ~ Items which would add enhancement bonuses to attributes do not do so
      ~ when we are using the Auto Bonus Progression rules from Pathfinder Unchained.
      doneif (hero.tagis[source.PUAutoB?] <> 0)

      doneif (field[gIsEquip].value = 0)

      #applybonus[Bonus,hero.child[aSTR], 2]
      #applypenalty[Penalty,hero.child[aDEX], -4]


      ~ Items which would add enhancement bonuses to attributes do not do so
      ~ when we are using the Auto Bonus Progression rules from Pathfinder Unchained.
      doneif (hero.tagis[source.PUAutoB?] <> 0)

This is a standard check on things that modify attributes. It checks the hero for a tag that the Auto Bonus Progression rules setting applies to tell things to not apply their attribute bonuses.


      doneif (field[gIsEquip].value = 0)
This checks the item to see if you have it equipped. If you don't, it stops.


      #applybonus[Bonus,hero.child[aSTR], 2]
      #applypenalty[Penalty,hero.child[aDEX], -4]

These are what applies the bonus/penalty. #applybonus calls an automatic script that applies "2" to the "Bonus" field of "hero.child[aSTR]", and similar for the Dex penalty. If you look at the belts you can see they're slightly different, using #applyenhancementbonus[hero.child[aSTR],2] for instance, which will apply the enhancement bonus only if it is greater than the one currently on in that field (since they don't stack).

Hopefully this helps.

Dakonofrath April 17th, 2020 07:58 AM

This does help a lot. But where am I inputting this script information for the item?do I make a custom Eval Rule? or Eval Script?

Is there a way for me to load premade data into the editor? I can often be a visual learner and if I could load up a working character, or magic item, I can see how its built and it makes it easier for me to build my own. You know what I mean?

Dakonofrath April 17th, 2020 08:03 AM

you know I just decided to throw it into eval scripts to see what happened and I got it working. Thank you so much! Now I'm going to figure out how to add energy resistance to it as well. I'm going to try to figure it out on my own before I ask for more help though.

Thank you again!

Dakonofrath April 17th, 2020 08:12 AM

Basically I want to make radiation resistance and if I know how fire resistance was built then it makes it easy for me to build radiation resist. Thats why it would be useful for me to be able to load up content into the editor that already exists. It gives me a roadmap.

Daniel V April 17th, 2020 08:23 AM

Eval scripts are where things of this nature are handled, applying numerical modifications and such. You CAN run things in eval rules, but that's used for checking if the thing has certain parameters fulfilled after you have added it to a hero. Ability Focus is a good example. It applies its effects in an eval rule, where is also assigns a tag to the selected ability. Then it checks how many of that tag is present on the ability and if there are 2+ it returns invalid, and shows the error message of the eval rule. Generally you won't put things in eval rules, but there are cases where it's appropriate.

When you're in the tab of the kind of thing you're trying to create in the editor, hit "New (Copy)" in the bottom left. That will pull up a list of all the things of that type, which you can load. Things in grey are read-only, but you can copy the scripts. Things in black you can edit and save, setting a new id, which is useful for making variations of items, or having a place to start. Keep in mind they'll be the same thing type though, so you can't for instance load a belt of giant strength and change it to armor, you have to make armor and copy the script from the belt. Looking at existing things and a lot of trial and error are how I learned!

Good luck on the energy resist!

Mathias April 17th, 2020 08:23 AM

The "New (Copy)" button will allow you to look at existing material.

Dakonofrath April 17th, 2020 08:27 AM

So I tried adding this to the script to include fire resistance

#applybonus[Bonus,hero.child[iResFire], 20]

it didn't work. I'm assuming it is because of something in Bonus, or in hero.child that I need to change to properly point to iResFire?

Daniel V April 17th, 2020 08:32 AM

Here's a link to some documentation I referenced a lot while learning. Not really a recommended read as it's huge lol, but it gives some good info on what things mean. Just takes some extrapolation since it isn't pathfinder script specific, but the concepts are there.


Mathias April 17th, 2020 08:33 AM

I'm not sure what iResFire is, but it's not fire resistance (or it's not the real fire resistance - it may be something else that's adding to the real fire resistance).

The "i" prefix suggests that it's a "magIc item". - you're looking for a generic ability - prefix "x" or an ability - prefix "ab". So I'll bet it's the Fire Resistance power that you can add to magic armor.

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