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Diaz Ex Machina April 22nd, 2022 07:18 AM

Noob Question: Converting Class Levels
In D&D3.5 there was a prestige class called Blackguard, which I'm trying to convert to Pathfinder. Aside from the myriad of problems I've already stumbled upon there's one that I really don't know how to handle.

As shown on d20srd.org under the Fallen Paladins entry, blackguards get additional class abilities based on how many levels of ex-Paladins they had before gaining a level in the prestige class. Is it possible to replicate this on Hero Lab Classic? If so, how can I do it?

Thank you in advance for your help and time.

ploturo April 22nd, 2022 12:11 PM

Well, there is a tag added to the Hero when it becomes an ex-member of a class that you can check for (ExMember.cHelpPal, in this case).

And there is also a tag added for each level of a class added to a character (Classes.Paladin, in this case).

I haven't worked with custom classes, so I'm a little fuzzy on the specifics of how their abilities should be bootstrapped, but you should be able to test for the existence of the ex-member tag and number of levels by using a bootstrap requirement something like

hero#ExMember.cHelpPal & (count:hero#Classes.Paladin >= 3)


Diaz Ex Machina April 22nd, 2022 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by ploturo (Post 298896)
Well, there is a tag added to the Hero when it becomes an ex-member of a class that you can check for (ExMember.cHelpPal, in this case).

And there is also a tag added for each level of a class added to a character (Classes.Paladin, in this case).

I haven't worked with custom classes, so I'm a little fuzzy on the specifics of how their abilities should be bootstrapped, but you should be able to test for the existence of the ex-member tag and number of levels by using a bootstrap requirement something like

hero#ExMember.cHelpPal & (count:hero#Classes.Paladin >= 3)


Tried your method to get Smite Good at Blk lvl1 with 10 levels of Pal, but didn't work.

Mathias April 22nd, 2022 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Diaz Ex Machina (Post 298901)
Tried your method to get Smite Good at Blk lvl1 with 10 levels of Pal, but didn't work.

Without knowing the phase and priority of your bootstrap conditional, I can't debug this. The key question is whether the tags you want to find have been assigned yet at the time you are looking for them.

Diaz Ex Machina April 22nd, 2022 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 298903)
Without knowing the phase and priority of your bootstrap conditional, I can't debug this. The key question is whether the tags you want to find have been assigned yet at the time you are looking for them.

I don't think I fully understand what you're saying. I know there's some kind of priority between things, but I don't really know how to check that easily, like having a table showing which thing comes first.

ploturo April 22nd, 2022 03:14 PM

He needs the details of the containerreq element from where you bootstrapped the class ability.

For example, the timing (phase and priority) for the thing below are PostLevel 9999.


<bootstrap thing="cBlkExample">
            <containerreq phase="PostLevel" priority="9999">Example.Expression</containerreq>

In the editor you would click on the bootstraps button wherever the ability is attached, and then the conditions button. The window that comes up should have the phase, priority, and the expression used for the containerreq "bootstrap condition".

In terms of figuring out timing, there is an overview of the phases if you go to the Help menu when the editor window is active and choose "Help on using the Editor" which actually takes you to a pathfinder reference for the editor with a link "Choosing a Phase" toward the bottom of the page.

You can get a list of the scripts that ran on a particular Pick added to the hero by right-clicking on it and choosing the "Show Debug Tasks for ..." option (or by going to Debug - Floating Info Windows and choosing "Show Selection Tasks" for anything that isn't exposed in the interface). This is generally the most useful way to see all the scripts that run from the component and thing scripts, but you have to have be looking at the right pick and sometimes the script names aren't particularly useful.

You can also get a report of the timing when every task for a portfolio is running by choosing "Show Task List (Full)" from the same menu, if you have no idea which pick(s) might be involved.

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