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-   -   Subscription is looming... let the purge commence! (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=62307)

daplunk March 23rd, 2019 12:43 AM

Subscription is looming... let the purge commence!
Cmon who else is cleaning shop?

I've got so many test realms and empty realms that need to be deleted. Such a mess.

Gord March 23rd, 2019 08:45 AM

Not sure what you mean here? Who is deleting their account or going back to a off-line usage?

Valyar March 23rd, 2019 09:25 AM

Entirely depends on the price tag. I don't like the subscriptions model and whether I go with one depends on the $ and the discount provided if I pay in advance for certain period.

I am nowadays using one laptop and the online storage is not needed, as I do backup on NAS or locally. Even if I put the files in OneDrive it is free and faster, as the last time syncing 1.4GB took an hour and more, as it seems the servers is having throttling or something.

DaFranker March 23rd, 2019 10:59 AM

Only reason I'd ever want to pay for the sync features is if my players could simply sign in to the web view and pull the realm info from cloud storage... on the web view...

Yeah, not getting any cloud storage sub for me there right now lol.

Gord March 23rd, 2019 11:27 AM

I find the sync so useful and saves so much time, I can't imagine being without it. Besides after they gave it to us for free for so long, I figure they deserve a little bit of cash back. Not many companies would have done that even if the delays were caused by changes to the software or their own issues.

daplunk March 23rd, 2019 01:28 PM

Lol surely I'm not the only one with an absolute mess of realms, many empty ones, some created solely for import tests.

It all has to go.

Parody March 23rd, 2019 01:52 PM

I have a bunch of testing Realms but I doubt I have anywhere near as many or ones as large as anyone doing a lot of importing or otherwise adding large amounts of data. Because of that I don't see any need to delete them. It helps that their names all start with "Test" so they sort together and are relatively easy to ignore.

I don't plan on continuing my subscription after it runs out next year as I don't use Realm Works enough to justify it. I can keep things backed up well enough.

KiwiBlaze March 23rd, 2019 04:23 PM

Subscription anything for Realm Works for me is a no go.

Nikmal March 23rd, 2019 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by KiwiBlaze (Post 277211)
Subscription anything for Realm Works for me is a no go.

Not a fan?

MNBlockHead March 23rd, 2019 08:17 PM

I don't have much to clean up. If anything, I'm finding I should use more realms to managing subsets of content to make export/import of subsets of content simpler.

While, my realms are backed up with other offline content on my latptop using SpiderOak, I'll probably pay for a subscription as well as long as the price feels reasonable. I'll feel even better about a subscription when the Web viewer is available. I would hope that I could have a DM subscription that would allow me to make the content available on the Web site without my players having to have a player license.

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