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cbradshaw007 June 18th, 2017 09:41 AM

Creating a Module Template
Im attempting to create a module template. Using the free content that has been released I made a template with dummy entries. My goal is to create a template that I could import in, change the details and add the story, characters, encounters, items,etc.

After finishing I could export just that one module.

I did some testing trying to change the names and import the template a second time to see if it would keep both sets of data (Both having their own unique source and names to reflect the module they belong to.) The second import overwrites the first. I tried a second time without preserving the author and that didnt make a difference.

My end goal is to be able to have modules that are parts of a greater story or campaign arc but could be published as they are written.

Silveras June 18th, 2017 01:23 PM

Names are irrelevant to a topic. There is a hidden "ID" that identifies a unique topic. Importing recognizes the topic ID as the same topic and over-writes the existing one. Import also preserves the topic ID in order to allow you to perform updates with new versions of the topic.

It sounds like what you want is to COPY the template to a new Realm instead of Export/Import. Copying will give you a new realm with the same generic placeholder topics with new IDs, as I understand the difference between COPY and IMPORT/EXPORT functions.

cbradshaw007 June 20th, 2017 06:16 AM

So to make and use a template it sounds like I would need to make a realm that is the template. Copy that realm, fill in my module, Then export it to be imported to someone's realm.

It's an extra step but understandable. Thanks for the understanding.

cbradshaw007 September 7th, 2019 10:42 PM

Finally got around to testing this theory.

Mixed results to say the least.

I created a realm (Module Template), created a template I would use for a Module.
Then created an export of that realm.
I imported that into my test realm.

Copied the template realm
In the new copy, I added a module name in all the places that made sense. Mostly in header containers that had repeating data underneath. As an example, Equipment for Test, in the mechanic's area.
Then I exported the realm.

Back in the test realm, I imported this new export from the copied realm.

Anything I changed, came in as a new item.
Anything I didn't change, stayed the same, or shows as a duplicate.
As an example, Under the world almanac, The Container that was Campaign Name is there with all of its sub-containers. Also, any sub-container or item that didn't get changed. The Container that was changed is separate with only one sub-container that oddly wasn't changed. Thus breaking the structure of what was under the new and the old module by mixing the data.

Another example:
Under Things, I had a container for Creatures of (Name of Module). Under that is Creature 1 and Creature 2. After both imports, I now have only a container for Creatures of Test but I have 2 sets of Creature 1 and Creature 2. The other Container is gone. I can only assume it was overwritten since that was the settings on the import.

In that last example, if I look at the tags, I see both tags for both imports added to the Creatures of Test Container. but the Creature 1 items are either from the first import or the second, but not both.

After this result, I decided to see how my other imports would play. Since they share some Tags and Categories.
Tags came over without challenge.
Categories came over without challenge.
Under the Mechanics References Tab, My Adversaries (Monsters) came up in the correct area under Dangers, but the container they came into is one from another import. So now there is a container called Adversaries and another called Adversaries for Test. Under Test, the Actual monsters showed up in the sub-containers I have there.

So I am not sure what is happening since the logic isnt completely solid on what happened other than if something changed it was safe.

So I am back to the drawing board to find a way to make something as simple as a template for creating the same type of things over and over.

Does anyone have thoughts on what to try next?

Farling September 8th, 2019 04:01 AM

It sounds like you are trying to import back into the original realm some changes you made in a copied realm.

In general this is a bad idea.

The original realm from which the export is made should never have exports from "child" realms copied back into it. This will cause problems later on when trying to export from the original realm again.

It is best to only export from some realms and import into others.

cbradshaw007 September 8th, 2019 09:14 AM

I am importing into a new realm.

I was going by what was described in an earlier post. Since I cant use the same import as a template due to ID numbers, I copied the realm in which the template exists, then created a new export. The test was to see if the copied realm creates new IDs for all items within the realm. My guess is that is doesn't.

kbs666 September 8th, 2019 09:45 AM

A copied realm is just an imported one. Topic ID's do not change in the import process.

I'm not really sure you're trying to accomplish.

If you just want a standard way to format modules you enter yourself, then just work out the layout and manually create it every time you do the data entry, if it's just a few container topics that shouldn't be all that time consuming, probably less than doing the import.

JustinThomason September 9th, 2019 09:09 AM

I think I would approach this by creating a structure only realm to create topics laid out the way you prefer, then import that structure when you want to enter a new module.

cbradshaw007 September 10th, 2019 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by JustinThomason (Post 282011)
I think I would approach this by creating a structure only realm to create topics laid out the way you prefer, then import that structure when you want to enter a new module.

This was the goal, but it isn't working. I don't just have 1-10 items I am trying to copy, I have set up a common structure that I want to use for each module I bring into Realm Works.

I have gone through the World and Mechanics sections and created the structure I would want to use.

What gave me the idea was the use of having a master realm that you can use for your general rules and information and then importing that into a new realm that you actually run your campaign out of. Thus only having to update one place if you have multiple campaigns that are in the same area.

cbradshaw007 September 10th, 2019 08:56 AM

The challenge so far is that IDs in the background don't change so I can't use the same realm, or import if I ever have these modules later combined into the same realm.

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