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-   -   Story Almanac not visible to my players (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=57446)

kungfuchris99 January 17th, 2017 09:46 AM

Story Almanac not visible to my players
After building up campaign material in Realm Works, I got my players to purchase player licenses. I invited one of my players, he accepted, he synced with my realm, and he can see World Almanac, Mechanics Reference, and Storyboard, but Story Almanac is nowhere to be found. (Yes, I have used Assign to View for the many campaign-session relevant topics that I want to appear in the Story Almanac.)

What gives? Is there something else I'm supposed to do? Why is Story Almanac not an option for my players? From searching the forums, it doesn't look like anyone else has had this problem that I can see.

--Chris M.

kbs666 January 17th, 2017 10:01 AM

Views are unique to each installation. The story almanac is a built in view.

The way you share things with players is by revealing them. That's the little grey/green button besides topics and snippets. It's grey when the topic/snippet isn't revealed and green when it is.

kungfuchris99 January 17th, 2017 10:38 AM

Okay, yeah, I have revealed tons and tons of stuff. I'm still not clear on why the players don't have the story almanac view if it's a built in view. What am I not understanding? Is there something I have to do to reveal the story almanac view itself?

kbs666 January 17th, 2017 10:54 AM

Maybe I didn't explain this very well.

You cannot assign something to a view except for yourself. I'm not even sure if the player version has views but if it does the only way things would get assigned to them is for that user to do so.

Dr_Automaton January 17th, 2017 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by kungfuchris99 (Post 241762)
Okay, yeah, I have revealed tons and tons of stuff. I'm still not clear on why the players don't have the story almanac view if it's a built in view. What am I not understanding? Is there something I have to do to reveal the story almanac view itself?

If I remember correctly, this is a feature, not a bug. Otherwise, players would be able to metagame based on what topics are in each view. For example, say you are prepping your game and move the Helpful Merchant topic into your Story Almanac, since you know that he's actually the powerful demonic BBEG for your campaign. If the players suddenly saw you move him over, they might start wondering why the Helpful Merchant is hanging out on Level IX of the Dungeon of Infinite Darkness.

Dhrakken January 17th, 2017 12:54 PM

Hmm, I have a quick question... I haven't used RW much for GM'ing yet as I'm waiting for the content market. What happens if you have the same players in multiple campaigns using RW? How is the information separated? What happens if you have two separate groups running the same campaign?

daplunk January 17th, 2017 01:01 PM

You have 2 copies of the same realm and everything remains separated as far as fog of world.

Dhrakken January 17th, 2017 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 241784)
You have 2 copies of the same realm and everything remains separated as far as fog of world.

How did you guys manage that before import/export was available?

daplunk January 17th, 2017 01:22 PM

We didn't...

Dhrakken January 17th, 2017 01:37 PM

Understood... so now with the most current version, can you have a master realm that you update content in and that content will become available in both copies of that realm? Or, is it once you've exported from that master realm, you need to keep updating both realms separately?

Also, daplunk, (and sorry for all the questions) I noticed in your videos that you have a ton of "stories"/modules/campaigns on there. My biggest fear in replicating that same scenario is that it would quickly get cluttered for the players and they would have way too much information available to them; information that might not be relevant to them.

To me, the best way to manage this is by controlling access to specific story almanacs to specific players but I guess you can't do that?

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