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ynnswa September 22nd, 2011 04:12 AM

Checking interest in Conan
I am working on the out-of-print Conan RPG from Mongoose for Hero Lab, and the core book (Atlantean Edition) is nearly done.

Looking through the forums, there's only been one post other than mine that even referenced the Conan game in a couple of years. So my question is this...how much interest is there in it being available to the Hero Lab community?

I would be happy to share it. All the mechanics work, but it isn't yet ready for "prime time". If there is still a good bit of community interest, then I'll write a help file to explain my workarounds and clean up the description formatting and such.

If no one cares, I'll make my game group suffer through it as is. :)

chiefweasel September 22nd, 2011 04:51 AM

We would be happy to post the system when its complete.

Personally i havent played the Conan system. sorry about that.

bodrin September 22nd, 2011 05:51 AM

I haven't played conan, however I have looked through the rule books in the past. As it's based upon the D20 system I vote for you to release the data into the community. Reason being even the unsupported systems get some loving from the HL community. It only takes a few players of Conan to notice a dataset available for them to use and generate word of mouth. More sales for HL = better support via community for Conan.

Grey September 24th, 2011 01:06 AM

I've been playing Conan (2nd ed) for about a year now. Any additions would be great.

ynnswa September 24th, 2011 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by chiefweasel (Post 62937)
We would be happy to post the system when its complete.

That is great. Thank you!

ynnswa September 24th, 2011 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by bodrin (Post 62939)
I haven't played conan, however I have looked through the rule books in the past. As it's based upon the D20 system I vote for you to release the data into the community. Reason being even the unsupported systems get some loving from the HL community. It only takes a few players of Conan to notice a dataset available for them to use and generate word of mouth. More sales for HL = better support via community for Conan.

I hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks for the vote.

ynnswa September 24th, 2011 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Grey (Post 63061)
I've been playing Conan (2nd ed) for about a year now. Any additions would be great.

Awesome! When it is ready, I'd appreciate any feedback or bug reports. My group is testing it now, but I'm certain there will be a ton of little issues we'll miss.

jbearwillis September 26th, 2011 03:39 AM

Conan, Great
I would love to try it out when it's ready.My friend is going to start a game in like a month. He has had it like for 2 years and has decided to run it. Since the movie came out and it would be great to be able to use Herolab to make a character. I myself suck at programming.

TCArknight January 12th, 2012 04:56 PM

I don't suppose this Conan dataset is still available? I'm about to get into a game of Conan 2e and think this would be a great plus. :)

philip_fry May 16th, 2012 11:49 PM

since we´re still playing based on the Conan system I would be interested in it too.


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