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-   -   Paradox Interactive, a new hope? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=54174)

RavenX October 30th, 2015 01:02 AM

Paradox Interactive, a new hope?
So Onyx Path dropped a little bombshell today stating that Paradox Interactive had obtained White Wolf. Now that CCCP (Hammer & Sickle) games is out of the picture, maybe, just maybe we can get a new licensing agreement for Hero Lab finally?

Zeptonaut October 30th, 2015 08:58 AM

It would be great to see a mage, geist or demon template! I really hope that Lone Wolf does this soon. From what I could tell on the forums, it was CCP not LW that was the issue.

RavenX November 3rd, 2015 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Zeptonaut (Post 218367)
It would be great to see a mage, geist or demon template! I really hope that Lone Wolf does this soon. From what I could tell on the forums, it was CCP not LW that was the issue.

Onyx Path had said to me they wanted to do more with the licensing, but since CCCP held the IPs they couldn't really do anything with approval from them. Now CCCP is completely out of the picture since Paradox outright purchased the IPs. Onyx Path is still writing new content too. I'm happy to see that we finally have a shot at getting new licenses hammered out. CCCP bought out WW for nothing. They canned the WW MMORPG in favor of working on Eve Online's MMO after it was nearly finished. CCCP's only role in published content was pretty much approving the proof copies before final publication.

AndrewD2 November 5th, 2015 10:49 PM

I'd like to see a bit more added here, then I won't feel like I wasted the money I've spent on nWoD

RavenX November 6th, 2015 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD2 (Post 218662)
I'd like to see a bit more added here, then I won't feel like I wasted the money I've spent on nWoD

I don't feel like I wasted money on the software, as it helped me to maintain all my npcs and storytelling data in one convenient place, but at the same time the limited scope always bothered me. I want to add on to it but that's hard to do without under the hood access. Though I am getting somewhat proficient with adding tabs and a lot more comfortable working with the xml now.

pazuzu July 19th, 2016 11:26 AM

So with NWoD 2nd edition books coming out, has there been any word from either Lone Wolf or Onyx Path about relicensing HL for use with the NWoD?

sedmeister September 7th, 2016 08:50 PM

Communication from Paradox Interactive
Hi. After reading this thread I wrote an email to Paradox Interactive.

I informed them that I was an avid player of World of Darkenss over the years and I also told them about Hero Lab.

I asked them if, as new owners they knew of the relationship between the previous owners and if there were any plans to update the licencing agreement so I as a GM/storyteller could use Hero Lab with the latest editions of the various rule sets.

A week later the CEO of Paradox Interactive emailed me. He told me that they did not know of the licensing agreement. He also asked me to put him in contact with the relevant people at Lone Wolf Development because they would like to reach a licencing agreement with Lone Wolf Development and make the latest editions available for Hero Lab.

So, how do I pass on the contents of that email to the relevant people at Lone Wolf Development? How do I pass on the contact details of the CEO so that you guys can get a talking and I can get a playing?

I will also send this message via the support mechanism as I am not sure how often this particular thread is checked.

Thanks in advance.

PS - If you are an official Lone Wolf Development employee, you might want email me at the address associated with this forum account as I do not check this forum as regularly as I do my email.

sedmeister September 28th, 2016 07:06 PM

Still waiting a response.
Hi, I am still waiting a response on this. Could we get a response so we can get an update for WoD please?

Please advise if there is anything we can do in order to progress this.


Originally Posted by sedmeister (Post 234348)
Hi. After reading this thread I wrote an email to Paradox Interactive.

I informed them that I was an avid player of World of Darkenss over the years and I also told them about Hero Lab.

I asked them if, as new owners they knew of the relationship between the previous owners and if there were any plans to update the licencing agreement so I as a GM/storyteller could use Hero Lab with the latest editions of the various rule sets.

A week later the CEO of Paradox Interactive emailed me. He told me that they did not know of the licensing agreement. He also asked me to put him in contact with the relevant people at Lone Wolf Development because they would like to reach a licencing agreement with Lone Wolf Development and make the latest editions available for Hero Lab.

So, how do I pass on the contents of that email to the relevant people at Lone Wolf Development? How do I pass on the contact details of the CEO so that you guys can get a talking and I can get a playing?

I will also send this message via the support mechanism as I am not sure how often this particular thread is checked.

Thanks in advance.

PS - If you are an official Lone Wolf Development employee, you might want email me at the address associated with this forum account as I do not check this forum as regularly as I do my email.

aberrantLancer October 2nd, 2016 08:25 AM

sedmeister, did you include the email you received from Paradox into the email you sent to support@wolflair.com? It may help if you do, since they'll know who to contact from it.

Additionally, I would try emailing Colen or sending a private message to Mathias since they're Lone Wolf staff. You may have better luck getting in contact with them.

Seeker1728 November 18th, 2016 11:18 AM

Kudos to you for doing this, I've been in the same boat, except that I'd love to see a Exalted 3E and later on Trinity & Scion data packs. Any news on if anyone at LW got in touch with PI?

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