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flamepulse December 18th, 2017 06:04 PM

Herolab Online
Seriously why are you having herolab online support only starfinder? how about systems people actually play.

khaoz December 18th, 2017 06:38 PM

It's been said a few times in the forum, that they are starting HLO with Starfinder, and they may eventually start moving other systems into the fold, AFTER they iron all the kinks out.

Ian December 21st, 2017 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by khaoz (Post 260332)
It's been said a few times in the forum, that they are starting HLO with Starfinder, and they may eventually start moving other systems into the fold, AFTER they iron all the kinks out.

Correct. Pathfinder is #2 on the list for HLO. Doing Starfinder first lets us get something released and stress-tested in the wild relatively quickly, without having to immediately deal with Pathfinder's huge number of individually small pieces of mechanical weirdness affecting the new UI.

Steel_Wind December 26th, 2017 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 257009)
Future Roadmap

These are planned features for the future that we’ll begin delivering once the core experience is solid. Most of the caveats for the "coming soon" list apply. These are generally larger features that will take more time to implement and thus are a longer view into the future. You may be familiar with many of these feature names from classic Hero Lab. However, they may change form or function, or be implemented in a completely new way when we deliver them for Hero Lab Online.
  • Monster/NPCs
  • Starships
  • Tactical Console
  • Encounter Builder
  • Encounter Library

While I am appreciative of your current efforts with HLO, until it includes these things noted above in your "Future Roadmap", the HLO software is of only passing interest and of meager utility to Starfinder GMs.

I use Herolab for Pathfinder to run my game. I can't use HLO to run Starfinder in the same manner. The functionality to support GMs is just not there.

Lone Wolf has reasonably raised expectations among your customer base based upon the current offerings for HL for Pathfinder and how we use it. Until you can match the current software with HLO for Starfinder, it's difficult for those efforts to be received in a positive light.

rob December 26th, 2017 10:34 PM

GMs need a superset of what players need. Until HLO is largely complete for players, there's really no point in investing effort on the GM side of things, since HLO won't be useful to anyone without full player support. So the first step is getting everything in place for players. After that, we focus on the GM tools. :)

jimthegray January 4th, 2018 09:02 AM

personally I am loving HLO

themantheycallcris January 12th, 2018 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by rob (Post 260651)
GMs need a superset of what players need. Until HLO is largely complete for players, there's really no point in investing effort on the GM side of things, since HLO won't be useful to anyone without full player support. So the first step is getting everything in place for players. After that, we focus on the GM tools. :)

Good to hear!

One question I have, though, is if you are going to wait until Starfinder GMs have all they need before you provide HLO to Pathfinder players. Seems to me if you can get a player version available to Pathfinder players then you can increase your income by a fair amount and fairly quickly. Then after that you can focus on the GM needs for Starfinder and/or Pathfinder. Of course that's all said without seeing the dev side of things, but just the same there's a massive amount of anticipation for players to get HLO for Pathfinder!

Our Pathfinder group is waiting for it to be available so we can start using it in our Giantslayer campaign (out of 1 GM and 5 players, only one player doesn't use HL). We're also hoping it won't be to long until RealmWorks has the Giantslayer campaign available in the content store, so I can pick up a GM copy for me and a player copy for all 5 of our players.

We're nearing the last 3rd of book 2, and would like to get all these cool techs going for us (HLO and RW) before we get too much further.

Any info on when either of these will be available would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your ridiculously amazing products Lone Wolf!

Ian January 12th, 2018 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by themantheycallcris (Post 261345)
One question I have, though, is if you are going to wait until Starfinder GMs have all they need before you provide HLO to Pathfinder players. Seems to me if you can get a player version available to Pathfinder players then you can increase your income by a fair amount and fairly quickly. Then after that you can focus on the GM needs for Starfinder and/or Pathfinder.

We don't have a specific timeframe for this yet, but it will be different peop le doing most of the work for Pathfinder and the GM features, so that kind of thing will generally happen in parallel. For most of PF (barring really weird stuff, like a Barroom Brawler -> Martial Focus -> Advanced Weapon Training -> Focused Weapon feat chain where you need to supply class features created by feats created by class features created by feats) we will be able to reuse what we've already made for Starfinder.

daplunk January 12th, 2018 06:19 PM

Cough 5e Cough...

You know since that's what the majority of the market is playing.

themantheycallcris January 24th, 2018 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ian (Post 261358)
We don't have a specific timeframe for this yet, but it will be different peop le doing most of the work for Pathfinder and the GM features, so that kind of thing will generally happen in parallel. For most of PF (barring really weird stuff, like a Barroom Brawler -> Martial Focus -> Advanced Weapon Training -> Focused Weapon feat chain where you need to supply class features created by feats created by class features created by feats) we will be able to reuse what we've already made for Starfinder.

Thanks Ian!

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