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-   -   Starfinder and Pathfinder 2E in Herolab Classic? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=60949)

darkops July 19th, 2018 05:36 PM

Starfinder and Pathfinder 2E in Herolab Classic?
Is there a company roadmap or timeline for when starfinder and pathfinder 2e will come to herolab classic?

I've had great success with my two main gaming groups in pathfinder 1e by having everyone purchase hero lab classic licenses. It really expedites character creation (something I usually have to do for about half the players who don't have system mastery, who are not tech savy, or who don't have the time to do this). Everyone in these groups are so used to the ease of use of Hero Lab that it would be an unthinkable amount of effort to maintain paper and pencil characters. At least one of my two groups wants to play starfinder, but no one wants HLO because it is unstable, doesn't work offline, and we all loathe subscription model services for products. Now that we're approaching a likely second season of SFS and the Pathfinder 2e playtest, I'd love to get my players into one or the other but we all want adoption in Hero Lab classic.

Since HLO is a non-starter for 100% of people I know with Hero Lab, is there any official plan 1 year after starfinder's HLO announcement/launch to bring these data packages to Hero Lab Classic? I guarantee 100% you'll have a minimum of 10 people just from my tables buying into it (please give me a product we can use so you can take my money!). Judging from these online forums you'll have a lot of your user base follow you into classic than those who are following you into HLO.

ShadowChemosh July 19th, 2018 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by darkops (Post 268245)
Is there a company roadmap or timeline for when starfinder and pathfinder 2e will come to herolab classic?

No roadmap so for HLC because this is not currently happening. I would plan that all future systems will be HLO only not classic.

If this changes I am sure LW will post the info all over...

vardeman July 19th, 2018 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 268248)
No roadmap so for HLC because this is not currently happening. I would plan that all future systems will be HLO only not classic.

If this changes I am sure LW will post the info all over...

So, in other words, don't hold your breath.

LazarX August 4th, 2018 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by vardeman (Post 268261)
So, in other words, don't hold your breath.

Realistically speaking, that dream is as dead as the tree of the Night Elves.

Development wise, Classic is pretty much on minimum life support.

Trester August 4th, 2018 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by LazarX (Post 268889)
Realistically speaking, that dream is as dead as the tree of the Night Elves.

Development wise, Classic is pretty much on minimum life support.

Seems like HLO is as well after today.

Jobe00 August 4th, 2018 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by vardeman (Post 268261)
So, in other words, don't hold your breath.

It's more like "Screw you."

HLO needs to be optional and not the default. Not everyone is willing or able to pay a monthly fee. It's a bad business model and something that makes me like Starfinder and Pathfinder 2 less than I do now.

It makes me really not like Lone Wolf.

Frodie August 5th, 2018 04:05 AM

This kind of reminds me of the "edition wars".

I haven't switch over to HLO because of no ability to create custom material. I know it's coming and once it does, I'll sign up. I like both HLO and HLC but that is the hold up for me.

dballing August 5th, 2018 10:54 AM

Until they solve the unsolvable problem of 'offline access' HLO isn't an option for me or my group (many of our sessions are at a literal cabin in the woods with no internet access, which is by design and not something anyone intends to change).

Even when we're playing locally, though -- strangely enough, we enjoy sitting at a table without a bunch of gadgets distracting us from each other, and just getting ourselves immersed in the game and in conversation and interacting with each other.

I guess I'll wait to see which happens first : HLC offering P2e, or SomeOtherSoftware doing so, and decide what to do then. Bummed that this delays my P2 playtesting a bit, but whatever, there's still plenty of PF1 content to go. :-)

Toblakai August 5th, 2018 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Jobe00 (Post 268903)
It's more like "Screw you."

HLO needs to be optional and not the default. Not everyone is willing or able to pay a monthly fee. It's a bad business model and something that makes me like Starfinder and Pathfinder 2 less than I do now.

It makes me really not like Lone Wolf.

It is not a screw you. Desktop apps like this are becoming relics. Browser based is the way everything is headed. They needed to make a choice on what is best for their company. I suspect that starfinder did very well for them so they went the same route for pf2. If they had a larger development staff they may have went both, but they seem to be limited there.

Change upsets some people and I am sure LWD knew there would be some attrition because of those who don’t like change.

dballing August 5th, 2018 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Toblakai (Post 268920)
Change upsets some people and I am sure LWD knew there would be some attrition because of those who don’t like change.

No, no, no, don't victim-blame here.

This isn't "don't like change", this is "The new product LWD has created doesn't fit my needs as a consumer, and is therefore useless to me."

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