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bshaw0313 June 14th, 2021 09:19 PM

TaleSpire Roll URLs
TaleSpire is a VTT (I think it would fit that label) that was just released as early access on steam.

So far my group has really enjoyed it (3D maps that really feel like mini's on a table).

They have released a feature to use URLs that start with (talespire://) to be routed directly to the TaleSpire program. Specifically if you have a URL like this (talespire://dice/d20) it will start the process of rolling a d20 in TaleSpire.

This can get more elaborate such as (talespire://dice/Wisdom:1d20+1) will roll a d20 + 1 and actually label that it was Wisdom that was rolled.

Would it be possible to have maybe an option to change the dice roll buttons in the dice roll screen to generate similar links? Or maybe just add an additional button that could be used to do the same thing?

Obviously not a high priority but it MIGHT*** be a simple way to link into a VTT that MIGHT*** get fairly popular in the future. MIGHT*** because I cannot actually see the future unfortunately.

I'm going to make an attempt to create a Chrome extension (someone has made one that works for DND Beyond) so if anyone has any experience with chrome extensions and wouldn't mind some brain picking please let me know.

Thank you!

bshaw0313 June 14th, 2021 11:18 PM

I haven't looked through the entire export API yet, but is there support or plans to support exporting dice rolls? That might be a better angle to attack it from instead of an extension.

bshaw0313 June 29th, 2021 09:02 PM

A quick update on this:

My first prototype extension is almost done and will be testing with my group at our next session (July 11th).

Assuming it works, would anyone be interested in using it? I could look into putting it in the extension store if anyone is, and depending on how the other systems handle rolls it might work for other systems too or can be modified.

Thank you!

H2Os June 30th, 2021 01:03 AM

I would give it a look.

bshaw0313 July 11th, 2021 10:16 PM

Second update:

First session was good, the extension works! I will be working on making it better but I am releasing this version as an open beta of sorts.

If you want to report any bugs or request features join the discord! https://discord.gg/3bpMUF72Du

It is build for Pathfinder 2E, but if the other systems have rolling in a similar fashion there is a TINY TINY chance it may work. I will look to expand into others if it doesn't once I get just Pathfinder 2E working well.

Anyway, I hope someone finds it useful!

Thank you!

bshaw0313 September 5th, 2021 10:01 PM

Quick update. The extension is fully functional and the previous requirement to have to be a part of a google group to download has been removed.


Here is the store link.

Thank you!

**I have some quality of life improvements to make but it at least 100% functional right now. Probably (I only had 1 other person bug testing)

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