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Angelus September 12th, 2013 08:10 AM

New Space Marine Codex available?
Hi everybody,

I'm sorry if I oversaw it but I could not figure out if the new SM Codex that was released recently is already available for Army Builder.

Where can I find the supported Versions of the Codice?

Thank you very much,.


netminder69 September 12th, 2013 09:11 PM

See the stickies in the forum.

Dacman82 September 29th, 2013 02:42 AM

Netminder, If you know the answer just say it. From reading the stickies I would presume a month from the release date of the codex but that is only an estimate. Be helpful.

jboweruk October 3rd, 2013 02:53 PM

30 days is the minimum, they are volunteers that do this not on any payroll for doing it, so we just have to hold out I'm afraid. :)

The Emperor October 8th, 2013 01:54 AM

Well, it's been 31 days, so here's hoping they're closing in on a release, because I'm extremely anxious to start playing around with the list on Army Builder. :D Until then, though, I guess I'll have to go back to making up tables on Word Perfect.

Kikasstou October 9th, 2013 12:36 AM

I don't understand why we pay a licence if data files are not updated par developpers. All free web application have already include the new Space Marine Codex for a while. Why should I continu to pay a licence if update are so long to come? The application is really great but the licencing system is not what it should be in my opinion.

The Emperor October 11th, 2013 02:51 PM

Don't suppose you have a link to any of those? I'd be interested in checking them out.

Spack October 13th, 2013 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kikasstou (Post 167234)
I don't understand why we pay a licence if data files are not updated par developpers. All free web application have already include the new Space Marine Codex for a while. Why should I continu to pay a licence if update are so long to come? The application is really great but the licencing system is not what it should be in my opinion.

You pay a license for the software, not the files. You are free to create the files yourself using the included ABCreator software.

mabbs October 13th, 2013 12:27 PM

Cant we be honest and state that, the software we pay "40" a year for is nearly the same for most customers as we can find on ITunes or other shops for a 1 time fee of $.99-$4.99. Pretty sure the only reason we pay what we pay is not just for the program. We pay for the "program" according to you so GW doesn't knock on the door of your company. Bottom line is this: the quality and product and updates is clearly not what we have come to expect, Why?

mabbs October 13th, 2013 12:30 PM

Army Builder will save you hours of preparation, speed up game play, reduce mistakes, and even open up the door to new possibilities in your favorite games. Even one of these benefits would be worth the investment, but Army Builder offers all of them. It's no wonder Army Builder has revolutionized the world of tabletop miniatures gaming.
•Build rosters in minutes - Army Builder handles the bookkeeping for you.
•No calculators - No mistakes! - Make unlimited changes without reaching for your spreadsheet or calculator.
•Instantly verify rosters are legal - Army Builder re-validates your entire roster with every change you make, ensuring compliance with the rules.
•One tool supports ALL miniatures game systems

No where in your "software" advertisement so I see that I have to do the programming myself. So its pretty easy to see why people have an expectation of what they get for $40

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