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Talerass October 12th, 2015 04:28 PM

Since Update #9Ue.#lKk
Apparently the servers just came up like 20 mins ago and an update was needed. I update and BAM realm works wont even open anymore.

Realm Wroks has ebvncountered a problem.
we are sorry for the inconvenience.

the type initializer for '#9Ue.#lKk' threw an exception.

Anyone else have this issue?

rob October 12th, 2015 04:43 PM

This *MAY* be due to the fact that we did not sign a new DLL that is now part of the product. It's possible that incredibly paranoid anti-virus products are throwing away the file as a potential security risk, which is causing the error. At least, that's our working theory at the moment. We know that this is occurring for at least one user - which may be you (I don't know based only on forum names). We are investigating the issue now.

Talerass October 12th, 2015 04:50 PM

Unless I am miss understanding, that would not be possible I do not have a single anti-virus protection, no third party programs running or even installed no firewall etc.

Talerass October 12th, 2015 04:51 PM

I am running windows 10 premium if that changes anything, I have also never encountered a problem with realm works every before in the past years that I have been using it.

Grey Mage October 12th, 2015 04:55 PM

Probably me
I got this error and sent it to you (through the error reporting app) at least three times.

I wanted to clarify those.

First was during a routine upgrade.

Then tried it after deleting RW from Windows and going with a clean install.

This is on a MacBook Pro running El Capitan. Windows side is Win7 Home running under Boot Camp (ie., full Win7 boot up).

AV software is Avast!

Don't this is an issue with my database (which is quite large) because I successfully upgraded using my Asus tablet PC running Win10.

Hope this helps.

Talerass October 12th, 2015 04:58 PM

I know these things take time, I am just so freaked about it not working. I have nearly 1000 hours into my realm and cannot operate a RPG game without it, lol. Everything and I mean everything is in there.

Would it be possible to roll my version back to the previous version so I may continue to use it until this problem is resolved?

A suggestion as well if I may: major software developers of all kinds never force an update, they release it and still allow the previous version to function until the new version is considered working and stable for all users. I would like to see Realmworks take this same approach. I am unable to even download any old version as they are not present on the download page.

Sorry for not including this all into one post. My brain is scattered with trying to figure out how I am going to run my game in two hours...

Talerass October 12th, 2015 05:03 PM

I had not synced my realm in a while, Is there any danger in removing Realmworks and trying to clean install it? Will removing it remove my backup saved files?

rob October 12th, 2015 05:10 PM

The ONLY requirement to upgrade is if you need to login to the server. Users are free to work offline for as long as they want before upgrading. We also released on Monday in order to avoid introducing problems as we head into the weekend, per overwhelming user request. There is no perfect time to release anything like this, since gaming happens 365 days a year. :(

rob October 12th, 2015 05:10 PM

Please go into the directory where Realm Works is installed. By default, this will be "c:\Program Files\Realm Works" (or "c:\Program Files (x86)\Realm Works" if you're running 64-bit Windows).

In there, you should see a file named "indexdll.dll". That file is installed by the new version. If you do NOT see that file, then something either prevented it from being written or deleted it afterwards. The common culprit in these situations is anti-virus and related security software, which sees the new file as a potential threat (because we didn't put a security sign it).

MNBlockHead October 12th, 2015 05:13 PM

In the release notes they mention: "A special backup is made when you install this new version. This is just in case something goes sideways with the upgrade process, since there are major transformations being applied with this release. The file will be found in the “My Documents\Realm Works” folder if you need it."

I am guessing that they had to force the upgrade as the prior realm content formatting would not work. Everything has been converted to HTML. The changes on the back end may have been needed not only for allowing some of the new features but also needed by the Web view and content market. Just speculation, but if that is the case they are not likely able to support the older backend and the newer and had to force everyone to upgrade to move forward.

I'm lucky in that the upgrade went smoothly for me. (Hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying that.) But at least it seams that there should be a full backup of your realms.

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