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-   -   Version 1.13 of the Shadowrun files are now available! (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=14662)

Mathias November 18th, 2011 09:04 PM

Version 1.13 of the Shadowrun files are now available!
Version 1.13 of the Shadowrun files can now be downloaded from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab. With this update, all of your minions can be created as separate characters - Spirits, Sprites, Agents, and now Vehicles.

This update also adds the attribute-only tests, and includes some bug fixes. Here's the change list, copied from the FAQ:

Enhancements & Changes
  • The vehicle selections on the Vehicle tab now add full characters for the vehicles you add. Unfortunately, the existing vehicles could not be automatically converted to the new mechanisms. This means that you will have to add a new version of all the vehicles your character has purchased, move the programs, weapons, and modifications to the new character, and delete the old version. Driving vehicles (and remote controlling them or jumping in) has not been implemented yet, so a vehicle's dice pools are based on its Pilot program and any autosofts running on the vehicle.
  • The Attribute-only tests like Composure and Judge Intentions are now calculated and displayed.
Bug Fixes
  • Browse, Attack, Blackout and Black Hammer were not calculating their dicepools correctly when placed on an Agent.
  • Fake Licenses and Fake SINs were not marked as Forbidden.
  • Skill Specializations gained or changed through advancement were not being included in the printout.
  • Flechette ammo taken as loose ammo was reporting an error.
  • The Chemical Protection mod for armor was not adding to acid resistance.
  • Full parries were being calculated incorrectly.
  • The system attribute of a technomancer's living persona should only be limitd by resonance, not by response.
  • If a character with >1 essence of augmentations went into VR mode, odd errors could be reported by the foci limits.
  • The Microphone, Micro had no cost.
  • If you take more stun damage than you have boxes remaining, it now automatically overflows to the physical damage track.
Data File Authoring
  • Attributes now have a DicePool field. Any modifiers applied to this field will be added to any skills or abilities (qualities, critter powers, etc.) that incorporate that Attribute into their own DicePool field. For example, instead of searching through all the Charisma-based skills and adding +1 to all their dicepools, the Tailored Pheremones augmentation can just add +1 to the field[DicePool].value of the Charisma attribute.
  • Added the Vehicle Helper tab.
  • Added the Attr-Only tab.

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