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-   -   Warning D&D 5e not usable for gaming. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=54869)

Jeff M January 31st, 2016 03:17 PM

Warning D&D 5e not usable for gaming.
I didn't research properly. This release is not usable in gaming due to the massive amount of material not in the Srd. I got excited when I saw the d@d 5th email and sprung the money to upgrade my pathfinder hero lab for iPad (which is fantastic). But I feel a bit ripped off to be honest as I can't see the point in this product. Certainly not $20 of point. It's useless.
So if you are reading this before you buy, do your research properly, know what you are getting and know that you can't use this for gaming. I'm not really sure what it's for.
Not pleased.

Farling January 31st, 2016 04:15 PM

Don't forget that Lone Wolf will refund the $20 if you aren't happy with the purchase (within 30? days of purchase).

(Having said that, I do agree that the D&D 5th edition SRD is playing lip-service to the concept of "open gaming license" with the amount of material they've provided.)

Dervish January 31st, 2016 04:26 PM

Jeff M, no offense but you are wildly incorrect with minimal work witht the editor i was able to ble to add the spells that were missing in the editor te same can be done with races, subraces, subclasses and feats.

Aaron January 31st, 2016 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 223038)
Don't forget that Lone Wolf will refund the $20 if you aren't happy with the purchase (within 30? days of purchase).

(Having said that, I do agree that the D&D 5th edition SRD is playing lip-service to the concept of "open gaming license" with the amount of material they've provided.)

We did what we could given the limits imposed, and provided a good foundation for expansion in the hopes that the fan community will add their own stuff. We don't want anyone to feel cheated. If you're not comfortable adding your own content or taking advantage of the efforts of fellow fans, please do contact us for a refund. The same link in the stickied thread above for reporting bugs can be used for this purpose. One warning, we usually try and take care of submissions of bugs/refund requests/etc within 3 business days, but given the rush recently, we may be running a bit behind. Don't worry though, we'll take care of you.

cyberqat January 31st, 2016 04:58 PM

I figure people will swap around the necessary data files to fill it out player to player.

Remember that we cna release Forgotten Realms stuff through the DMGuild.

daplunk January 31st, 2016 06:09 PM

Has anyone seriously considered releasing these through dmsguild? Can it be done? Through there you are allowed use of all released material...

I've seen app addons released via drivethrurpg.

CNYGamer January 31st, 2016 06:20 PM

I knew exactly what I was getting into. I paid my $20 to add 5e. I was expecting it to be bare bones, and bare bones is exactly what I got. I view it as a framework to add the rest of the stuff in myself. Lone Wolf has been very transparent about this right from day one.

That said, the OP's point is very well made. For those who are perhaps inclined to gloss over the details, you should know what you're getting yourself into. If you're not a DIY type who is willing to put in some tedious work, your $20 is *NOT* buying you a working copy of the 5th edition rules.

Bottom line: until such time as Lone Wolf secures a full, proper 5e license (and it's my understanding they have been working toward that for some time), non-DIY types should probably hold on to their money.

dafrca January 31st, 2016 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by CNYGamer (Post 223050)
Bottom line: until such time as Lone Wolf secures a full, proper 5e license (and it's my understanding they have been working toward that for some time), non-DIY types should probably hold on to their money.

Or cheer on those here who do know how to code and then pull down their files to add what we want for our game. :D

Krimson February 1st, 2016 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by dafrca (Post 223065)
Or cheer on those here who do know how to code and then pull down their files to add what we want for our game. :D

This. I knew the SRD wasn't complete when they released it. It makes sense, considering they probably don't want another incident like with the Mongoose Pocket Player's Handbook. I'd like to use it with Fantasy Grounds, so when the option to import is available (as it is with 3.5e and Savage Worlds) then I'll probably buy it and hopefully be smart enough to find the files to fill in the gaps.

Jeff M February 1st, 2016 07:34 AM

I don't have knowledge or time to fiddle with this. I bought it for convenience not the opposite.
I just wanted to play my cleric from it -but he's war domain so I can't.

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