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Sendric March 7th, 2012 12:07 PM

Ahh...that explains it. I suppose that does make for a better fix. I may take a look at that tomorrow. Thanks.

LordValerius March 9th, 2012 06:45 PM

Familiar Intelligence
Any chance we as end users can fix this in the Editor or are we stuck with the annoying validation message until it's fixed?

I still get the validation error with familiar's INT defaulting to 10.



Aaron March 9th, 2012 10:24 PM

I'm not clear on what the error is, could you explain or else link to another post if you've already posted about it?

LordValerius March 10th, 2012 03:40 AM

Hey Aaron, thanks for responding....Here is the only info I could find on it, from one of your earlier posts....info not pertinent to my question removed from quote.


Originally Posted by Aaron (Post 65501)
Thanks Kendall, but you should have seen me sweating through the Pathfinder bug thread's 60+ pages. This hardly seems long compared to that. Here are the list of bugs I have fixed for the next release (though I am not sure exactly when that would be, hopefully in the next month or so).

Familiar's Intelligence was defaulting to 10, rather than advancing and changing as the master gains levels. Now the familiar will gain the Int granted by the master, or its own Intelligence if that is higher (in the case of Improved Familiars).

If you don't see your bug reported here it was either already fixed (for example missing the Value 5 and 10 tags), I could not reproduce it, or it is something not for me to do (Power attack does not have an adjustment in d20, so I didn't address the Double Weapon not working thing, though if you have questions on your own adjustment I may be able to help), or it was noted for later fixing.

Thanks for any info!


Mathias March 10th, 2012 09:07 AM

As a workaround, decrease the INT of a familiar once you select it until it won't go lower and then it will be set properly from then on, even as you level.

LordValerius March 10th, 2012 09:59 AM

Thanks for the info Mathias, but was more concerned with the annoying validation error because I can't get the Int below 6....Yes, the program still works with the validation error...Just me being anal. =)


Mathias March 10th, 2012 11:10 AM

The INT of the familiar of a 1st level character is 6. Why are you trying to take it lower?

LordValerius March 10th, 2012 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 78265)
The INT of the familiar of a 1st level character is 6. Why are you trying to take it lower?

I don't want to take it lower...but because the validation error, it is stating that an animal must have an Int of 1 0r 2...thus why I am sick of seeing the validation error LOL

My guess is it most likely has to do with one of the custom add-ons installed like Lawful_G or something...but I'm not sure which one yet...

Mathias March 10th, 2012 02:30 PM

Yes - the core files don't have that. The add-on should also be changing the type that's assigned to familiars - they become magical beasts, and are therefore no longer subject to the INT 1-2 restriction that applied when it was still an animal.

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer March 10th, 2012 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 78284)
Yes - the core files don't have that. The add-on should also be changing the type that's assigned to familiars - they become magical beasts, and are therefore no longer subject to the INT 1-2 restriction that applied when it was still an animal.

Same thing (error message about INT) happens with my paladin's warhorse.

Speaking of which, the horse got 2 stat increases as I leveled up at the early stages but stopped after that. My paladin is currenlty 18th level. Is there someting in the Monster Manual I've overlooked about magical creatures only getting two increases or is this a glitch specific to a paladin's warhorse?

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer.

LordValerius March 11th, 2012 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 78284)
Yes - the core files don't have that. The add-on should also be changing the type that's assigned to familiars - they become magical beasts, and are therefore no longer subject to the INT 1-2 restriction that applied when it was still an animal.

From what I can tell in my limited knowledge, the error must be in the Monster Manual add-on...When I open MM-Compiled.user and look at the entry for rmToad2, I am assuming it needs to have some form of eval script to have it change the toad's type upon becoming a familiar, and to my utter frustration, I just don't have the HL scripting skillz to hammer that out.

Anyone have an idea of what needs to be added? Or am I on the wrong track here?



Aaron March 11th, 2012 04:04 PM

I believe that validation rule is in the Animal type that is part of the community files.What needs to be done is to go into the eval rule, and add that it should be valid if the hero has a tag stating they are a familiar or paladin's mount.

LordValerius March 12th, 2012 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Aaron (Post 78318)
I believe that validation rule is in the Animal type that is part of the community files.What needs to be done is to go into the eval rule, and add that it should be valid if the hero has a tag stating they are a familiar or paladin's mount.

Thanks for the reply Aaron and I apologize for not being fluent in the HL scripting language....I don't speak it, but if someone were to speak it to me, I could repeat it well enough to be understood =) If you catch my meaning...

I understand that you all don't have the time to constantly do these things for those of us who are lesser in their knowledge of the scripting, but if anyone could give an example of how that particular script might look, I think those of us who need it, could run with it. I hope.

Once again, I apologize for not being a script master and I hope everyone understands.

Thank you.


Sendric March 15th, 2012 11:49 AM

an example, if you will:

If you open up the MM - Creatures Types Compiled file in your editor, go to the Type-Animal entry under the specials tab. Open up the eval rules and add the following code:


validif (hero.isminion <> 0)
This code will validate the requirement that an animal must have an INT score of 1 or 2 if it is a minion. Unfortunately, this also applies to animal companions, so its not a perfect solution. I haven't yet figured out how to check for just a familiar or a paladin's mount. Once I have managed that, I will update the file and add it to the 1.7 release.

Mathias March 15th, 2012 12:06 PM


is only asking how you added this character - it's a 1 if this character was added as a minion of another character, like an animal companion or a familiar, and 0 if it's a top-level character, which would normally be how you'd enter a monster.

However, it's also = 1 for a guard dog or a warhorse bought on the Other tab, and in those cases, you do want to enforce the INT <= 2 rule.

There are specific hero tags for animal companion and familiar - keep looking. You'll want to look in the Develop menu...Show Hero Tags while you're looking at a familiar and then at an animal companion, and compare those lists to a warhorse bought on the Other tab, and to an animal that's added as a plain old monster.

Sendric March 16th, 2012 05:22 AM

Thanks, Mathias. I had done that (quickly), but I hadn't accounted for my own stupidity. I saw "CompIs.cPalMount", but couldn't do anything with it because I read it as an "L" instead of an "I".

Anyway, here's the real fix:


~ We are also valid if we are a familiar or Paladin's Mount
validif (hero.tagis[CompIs.cArcFamil] <> 0)
validif (hero.tagis[CompIs.cPalMount] <> 0)

I'm updating the file for the 1.7 release.

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer March 17th, 2012 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 78577)
Thanks, Mathias. I had done that (quickly), but I hadn't accounted for my own stupidity. I saw "CompIs.cPalMount", but couldn't do anything with it because I read it as an "L" instead of an "I".

Anyway, here's the real fix:


~ We are also valid if we are a familiar or Paladin's Mount
validif (hero.tagis[CompIs.cArcFamil] <> 0)
validif (hero.tagis[CompIs.cPalMount] <> 0)

I'm updating the file for the 1.7 release.

On behalf of paladins everywhere Sendric, I say thank you. :)

Now, how long until LawfulG update 1.7 hits the streets? :p

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

LordValerius March 17th, 2012 04:25 AM

I for one, appreciate that you guys do your best to help those of us who don't have the time in our lives to dedicate to learning this scripting language....and I am sure at times, it must drive you all crazy having folks like me needing/wanting our HL to function a certain way, but don't have the skills to make it happen...

Thank you for your help. It really is appreciated.

That being said, I've done my best to incorporate the fix you have suggested, adding it in a couple different spots within the 3 eval rules for the Type-Animal in the user file and each time when compiling, getting an error indicating that "the script does not support the '@valid' special symbol so the use of validif is illegal" message.

Not sure if it is because I've added it in the wrong area of the eval script or what. There are no extra characters within the fix and I've cut/pasted it into the eval script and insured it is correct in it's format...


Sendric March 19th, 2012 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by LordValerius (Post 78628)
I for one, appreciate that you guys do your best to help those of us who don't have the time in our lives to dedicate to learning this scripting language....and I am sure at times, it must drive you all crazy having folks like me needing/wanting our HL to function a certain way, but don't have the skills to make it happen...

Thank you for your help. It really is appreciated.

That being said, I've done my best to incorporate the fix you have suggested, adding it in a couple different spots within the 3 eval rules for the Type-Animal in the user file and each time when compiling, getting an error indicating that "the script does not support the '@valid' special symbol so the use of validif is illegal" message.

Not sure if it is because I've added it in the wrong area of the eval script or what. There are no extra characters within the fix and I've cut/pasted it into the eval script and insured it is correct in it's format...


I'm going to take a guess here, but I think you're putting it in the wrong spot. You said "...within the 3 eval rules..". There is only 1 eval rule for Type - Animal, but there are 3 eval scripts. So, my guess is you're trying to put it in one of the scripts instead of the rule.

So, first thing is please double check that you are adding it to eval rule instead. If that doesn't work, then I might need you to send the file, or attach it here or something.

As far as "driving us crazy", I, for one, don't mind at all. I like trying to figure out these problems even though my grasp on the scripting language is tenuous at best.

Sendric March 19th, 2012 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer (Post 78627)
On behalf of paladins everywhere Sendric, I say thank you. :)

Now, how long until LawfulG update 1.7 hits the streets? :p

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

You're welcome. As for the release date, that's up to Shadow. I believe his last projected date was "soon", so hopefully that means in the next few weeks. I believe he was having computer problems as well which could delay things.

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer March 19th, 2012 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 78780)
You're welcome. As for the release date, that's up to Shadow. I believe his last projected date was "soon", so hopefully that means in the next few weeks. I believe he was having computer problems as well which could delay things.

Hopefully those are normal & easily fixable computer problems. Not problems due to something hitching a ride on the 'd20 stuff' file I sent to him! :eek:

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

ShadowChemosh March 19th, 2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer (Post 78789)
Hopefully those are normal & easily fixable computer problems. Not problems due to something hitching a ride on the 'd20 stuff' file I sent to him! :eek:

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

LOL no it was that virus called "Vista"! :p :)

I had to redo my work laptop from Vista to Win7 and then reload all my development tools and do all the windows updates. So that is done and I am starting to catch up on my 2nd client's work over the last two weekends.

So if things go good this weekend I may finally be back on schedule. Which means d20 1.7 will be my first HL project I will be working on again. So *hopefully* a few weeks is right.

LordValerius March 19th, 2012 12:32 PM

Hey, thanks for the info Sendric....and you are correct, I was mistakenly trying to put it within the eval script...I corrected that but when I put it into the eval rule, it gives me the statement that the specified thing is already in use and must be removed...

Ok, so I remove the familiar toad and it still states the same error, so not sure if it is trying to make me remove ALL of anything with the type Animal...if that's the case, I will live with the annoying validation message and wait for the fix....I DM a game with a party of eight, all with personal mounts, one with a familiar and one with an animal companion. Not about to remove all of that, just to have to add it all again, just to get rid of a validation error.

Thank you very much for taking the time to explain it to me.


Sendric March 20th, 2012 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by LordValerius (Post 78811)
Hey, thanks for the info Sendric....and you are correct, I was mistakenly trying to put it within the eval script...I corrected that but when I put it into the eval rule, it gives me the statement that the specified thing is already in use and must be removed...

That's not an error I'm familiar with. If you felt like pursuing it, I would try starting fresh. Make sure the file is as it was originally and that there are no errors with it like that. Then, if that's ok, try adding the validif statements in.

paladin2019 April 1st, 2012 03:32 PM

I'm getting several skills from d20Modern or Spycraft showing up alongside the normal skills. This happened after I downloaded cheeseweasel's files. Is this skill list in these files and how do I turn it off?

Hatred and Tyranny domains are not calling up domain spells.

Kendall-DM April 2nd, 2012 01:48 PM

Major bug in the files with regard to Flying. I've noticed that you changed xFly by replacing it with xFly2, so that you can call the CalcValue earlier (at First/100). Unfortunately, now alot of other things no longer work, especially if they are related to level. What comes to mind is Favored Soul, which checks it's level at Post-Levels/10000 then assigns flying speed and maneuverability. Which unfortunately needs to be done before the CalcValue call. xFly2 should be added as a separate ability, and not overwrite the original xFly.

As I understand it, the CalcValue call will find that there is no tag assigned, and will shut down xFly as a special ability. Even if later I add a speed, etc.

Sendric April 3rd, 2012 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by paladin2019 (Post 79608)
I'm getting several skills from d20Modern or Spycraft showing up alongside the normal skills. This happened after I downloaded cheeseweasel's files. Is this skill list in these files and how do I turn it off?

Hatred and Tyranny domains are not calling up domain spells.

Can you give me an example of skills that are showing up when they shouldn't?

Sendric April 3rd, 2012 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Kendall-DM (Post 79651)
Major bug in the files with regard to Flying. I've noticed that you changed xFly by replacing it with xFly2, so that you can call the CalcValue earlier (at First/100). Unfortunately, now alot of other things no longer work, especially if they are related to level. What comes to mind is Favored Soul, which checks it's level at Post-Levels/10000 then assigns flying speed and maneuverability. Which unfortunately needs to be done before the CalcValue call. xFly2 should be added as a separate ability, and not overwrite the original xFly.

As I understand it, the CalcValue call will find that there is no tag assigned, and will shut down xFly as a special ability. Even if later I add a speed, etc.

That's something we should be able to fix for the 1.8 release. I don't know what the ramifications are for changing it, though. Maybe the original author could chime in.

Kendall-DM April 3rd, 2012 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 79678)
That's something we should be able to fix for the 1.8 release. I don't know what the ramifications are for changing it, though. Maybe the original author could chime in.

I think the original author was Lawful_g/Aaron, since it appears to be tied to a bunch of creatures from the MM. I tried hiding it and got errors on those monsters. As to why he is calling it so early, I have no idea, didn't look at things close enough to find out. I don't use the community files much.

Aaron April 3rd, 2012 09:54 AM

I think I was moving away from using tags because of the annoyance I had with Darkvision... CalcValue only takes tag values into account, so the intention was to convert the value of the bootstrapped tags early and then manipulate the FIELD value in later scripts. I don't think I got around to adjusting other scripts though, so you may just want to move the CalcValue call to later phases/priorities

paladin2019 April 6th, 2012 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 79677)
Can you give me an example of skills that are showing up when they shouldn't?

Demolitions, cultures, stealth, perception, drive, pilot....

Sendric April 6th, 2012 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by paladin2019 (Post 79904)
Demolitions, cultures, stealth, perception, drive, pilot....

None of those are contained within the lawful g community files. My guess is you have a user file in your d20 folder that belongs to a different game system.

paladin2019 April 6th, 2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 79934)
None of those are contained within the lawful g community files. My guess is you have a user file in your d20 folder that belongs to a different game system.

Could be, but it was a separate game system file and I deleted it last year. Strange that now the skills should migrate over....

Sendric April 16th, 2012 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 79678)
That's something we should be able to fix for the 1.8 release. I don't know what the ramifications are for changing it, though. Maybe the original author could chime in.

Fixed for the next release.

Sendric April 27th, 2012 05:37 AM

I noticed a bug with Fleshgrinding in the MIC - Weapon Power file. The pre-reqs should be Piercing or Slashing. It was set to P and S. To fix this I modeled it after the Keen power. It will be included in 1.8.

Olaf the Stout April 28th, 2012 05:46 PM

I think this bug has been picked up already but I'm not sure.

I'm still very new to this so I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Selecting Elf as a race is adding +2 to Reflex saves, which is incorrect. It also happens when I select Elf, Gray as a race, so it may be an issue with all the Elven subtypes, but I'm not sure.

For now I have just made a manual adjustment to the save, but it is obviously something that needs to be fixed.


Olaf the Stout

Sendric April 30th, 2012 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Olaf the Stout (Post 81367)
I think this bug has been picked up already but I'm not sure.

I'm still very new to this so I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Selecting Elf as a race is adding +2 to Reflex saves, which is incorrect. It also happens when I select Elf, Gray as a race, so it may be an issue with all the Elven subtypes, but I'm not sure.

For now I have just made a manual adjustment to the save, but it is obviously something that needs to be fixed.


Olaf the Stout

Thanks for the report. This issue was actually fixed in the 1.7 release. Please make sure your files are up to date.

Olaf the Stout May 1st, 2012 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 81432)
Thanks for the report. This issue was actually fixed in the 1.7 release. Please make sure your files are up to date.

I updated my files, but was using a PC that was created using the previous release.

Would this be the cause of the issue?

Olaf the Stout

Sendric May 2nd, 2012 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Olaf the Stout (Post 81611)
I updated my files, but was using a PC that was created using the previous release.

Would this be the cause of the issue?

Olaf the Stout

Its possible. I haven't tested that out. Maybe you could try making a new character with the new release.

Olaf the Stout May 3rd, 2012 07:07 PM

Hmmm, I tried making a new character after updating the community data set, but the issue was still there.

However, after I updated the latest official update to Hero Lab the problem was solved. Not sure why, but as long as it works that's all I really care about! :)

Olaf the Stout

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