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Krothos June 28th, 2023 07:24 AM

HLC Update Future
Serious question for the Development Team...

We all understand that HLC is a "finished" product. Will there ever be a "final" update released with the fixes you've been tracking? Maybe with the announcement that this is the final release and all future support will be developed into HLO.

Thanks. :)

wdmartin June 28th, 2023 11:48 AM

I would also like some clarity on this, please. Will there ever be another update, final or otherwise? Even if it just went bug-fixes only maybe once a year that would be ample.

Azhrei June 28th, 2023 01:49 PM


I love using HLC on my iPad! But there are a few glitches that would go a long way towards usability. (The font size thing is really getting frustrating lately.)

I'm looking for a way to get PCGen on my iPad, but it's a circuitous route getting there, as Apple doesn't support Java on their platform.

Dwayne June 28th, 2023 04:59 PM

I also would love an update and maybe implement some of the things that say they will be implemented in a future update.

Lord Magus June 30th, 2023 05:54 PM

+1. Even if it was just for bug fixes and making sure it is as stable as can be.

Meatpuppet July 5th, 2023 05:39 AM

+1 here too

Still using it a lot

Dwayne July 7th, 2023 02:29 PM

It does not look like there will be a reply.

Azhrei July 7th, 2023 10:48 PM

That's a shame. I remember Rob guaranteeing that HLC wasn't going to lose maintenance support. I warned him at the time, "Don't make promises you can't keep," but he was sure. (I knew that once HLO started, there "wouldn't be enough resources" to maintain HLC. I've been around corporations and bean counters long enough to know that. :( )

It's pretty sad, actually. Maybe someone who doesn't check the forums first would actually buy it now, only to find out that it's stagnant, and has been for quite some time. I wonder what they'd think of LoneWolf at that point?

I just checked and it looks like Rob hasn't posted to the forums since Oct 2020? (See the post here: something about an HLO API.) I tried searching for his comments regarding the support for HLC, but the search engine here doesn't like searching for "HLC" (too short or too common?). My other attempts didn't work well either.

Anyway, I feel your pain...

RavenX July 8th, 2023 04:04 AM

I know my way around this source code pretty well, but they lock down all the official data files so even we can't directly access the source code, much less fix bugs in it. Your best hope is to catch one of the coders on the forums via the bottom panel that tells you who is online. The coders usually have a + by their names. I have no idea if they bother checking the forums anymore since they moved to HLO. I still don't use HLO and likely never will, I like having the freedom to code my own systems and homebrew content and I'm not certain that they allow it with HLO sadly. I've coded so many systems on my own too.

Maidhc O Casain July 8th, 2023 09:18 AM

When it got to this point before, the only way we ever got an answer was that DaPlunk posted a question in the HLO forums. Basically, "Hey, y'all should look at the HLC forums every once in a while."

That said, Mathias does post in the HLC forums fairly often (a few times a month) for technical and coding support. I don't know what his involvement is or if he'd do HLC "maintenance." Maybe he'll see this and chime in at least with a "Yep, we're still doing occasional (annual?) bug fix work," or "Nope, not being maintained at all."

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