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-   -   Rolling spell damage (PF2 w/HLO) (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=64388)

xmiyux May 29th, 2020 07:20 PM

Rolling spell damage (PF2 w/HLO)
I feel like I have to be missing something.

When my players run their sheets the die icon on spells like Chain Lightning are for the save the target needs to make. We don't see a simple click to roll the damage.

Am I missing a setting? It seems weird for the die icon to be a saving throw on the sheet of the caster.

Shadowfoot May 30th, 2020 12:05 AM

The GM can allow the player to roll against the saving throw DC of the NPC. This reduces the number of rolls the GM needs to make. It does require switching around the success/failure conditions.

magpi May 30th, 2020 06:46 AM

It'd be great to also be able to roll damage as well, with a crit option just like weapons.

thaX June 4th, 2020 07:10 AM

Crits in PF2 are simply doubled.

magpi June 4th, 2020 05:43 PM

Ah, they're doubled as in dice rolled then doubled or doubled as in double the amount of dice is rolled? Regardless, I'd just like an easy single click to get damage, whether crit or not. Sounds like I'm not alone here.

charlieluce June 4th, 2020 06:09 PM

The default is roll then double, with doubling the amount of dice allowable with GM permission.

Mind you, HLO doesn't appear to do it that way but since I'm the GM in my game I gave it permission. ;)

melemkor December 29th, 2020 06:51 AM

This thread has brought up but hasn't answered the question I'm most curious about - how to roll spell damage? When you bring up the spell dialog box, all it has is "d20 + spell attack", and no damage dice are provided like there are for weapons... This is going to be a *significant* stumbling block for one of my players.

I've been exploring, trying to find a work-around for this, and the closest idea I've seen yet looks to be an old Hero Lab trick - creating a "custom weapon" which can then be loaded with the dice needed.

The new issue I'm running in to is that I can't set what stat the attack roll is based off of (this program is already much more click-heavy than other similar tools I've used, and I don't want to go to one panel to roll the attack, then switch over to the weapon to roll the damage). Does anyone have any tricks for changing a weapon to-hit from Str/Dex to Cha, for example?

(I understand HLO isn't there yet, but a dialog box where I could type in "3d8+2d6+5" and roll would be *awesome* - the generic dice roller is usable, but requires a ton of clicking.)

Kevin.Richard.GM June 28th, 2021 05:49 AM

I've been waiting for spell damage since I started using HLO last summer. The question has been asked many times and like most posts/questions, if LW has no answer they just ignore the post/question. Similar to all the GM content posts/questions for all the APs they sell.

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