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Valyar December 2nd, 2020 01:34 AM

Running RW on macOS with CrossOver
With the Apple M1 devices, having VM is probably not going to work for now, and I wonder if anyone ever tried to run RW with Crossover?

The compatibility in the database is quite brief and unclear.

Parody December 2nd, 2020 12:52 PM

Will Not Install seems pretty clear.

Anywho, the last report of someone trying to use WINE on Linux to run Realm Works was that it would launch but crash when you tried to do anything. I imagine Crossover on MacOS would have similar issues.

Valyar December 2nd, 2020 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Parody (Post 292160)
Will Not Install seems pretty clear.

Anywho, the last report of someone trying to use WINE on Linux to run Realm Works was that it would launch but crash when you tried to do anything. I imagine Crossover on MacOS would have similar issues.

If I read the "Will Not Install" as result of a test yes, it is clear. Though there are screenshots of RW on Linux and I was puzzled. Anyway, will wait for virtualization update to Parallels/VMware for that.

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