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dan40000 October 12th, 2006 02:20 AM

Orcs and Goblins List
hi there new to this army builder just woundering how long it normaly takes for a new army book to be updated and available for download?

Kamarathin October 13th, 2006 09:34 AM

Time varies, but Robert is usually pretty good at getting them out within a month or so

dan40000 October 13th, 2006 01:02 PM

thanks was just curious

robert October 16th, 2006 12:30 PM

hi, if you are wondering about the orc book, it isnt even out here yet :~( it comes out on the 21st, and then i will take a few weeks to get it added


Kolas October 28th, 2006 12:12 AM

can you try to predict when the new update with O&G will be ready?

kylek2235 October 28th, 2006 11:16 AM

I'll have one done today or tommorow, if ye will be patient....

I've got some small changes to animosity, Big'Uns, the new panic chart, miscast chart and a really annoying glitch having to do with the Ironback Boar to fix and then it'll be done. The army list itself is finished.

Unfortunately, there are a few unresolved issues that aren't going to make everyone happy with (judging by some of the heated rule debates). My take 1. More than one Big 'Un unit can be taken ie one Orc Boyz Big 'Uns, one Savage Orc Boar Boyz Big'Uns etc. 2. Frenzy affects the mounts, a wyvern mounted by a savage orc warboss will have 4 attacks not 3 3. Great Squig and Gigantic Spiders will each have US3 4. Magic Shields get the parry bonus

I kind of wish some of this stuff wasn't as subjective as it is, but such is life in a GW game.

Omegakai October 31st, 2006 02:25 PM

Im allso really keen on this data file. !

kylek2235 October 31st, 2006 05:04 PM

drop me an email address and I'll send you what I have. I'd hoped to have it finished on sunday, but I didn't and working 15 hour days is not condusive to editting files. I'm going to finish up the magic items now, for the most part, and you'll have a list of what I know is wrong with it. Feel free to let me know of anything else you find so I can put it on the list on my wall (litterally, the list on my wall...)

Athos November 3rd, 2006 10:44 PM

Sorry to add this reply - but I can not find your email listed anywhere - can you email me what you have for the Orc and Goblin list - g_ironhide@yahoo.com - I have looked at the magic items and most of them have changed - no more Double Ditto or Shinny thing - will you also have this added to the file?

sea1swk November 4th, 2006 06:04 AM

Me to? I would love to have what you have so far. email is spencer-k@comcast.net
Thanks a bunch!

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