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AntaresCD January 13th, 2015 02:33 PM

Status Update - New Spoilers
Now that the holidays (and my move into a new house) are over I started the latest round of updates to include all the latest spoilers (including the IG-2000 article released yesterday). I also am working on some under the hood optimizations to EPTs to make them function similarly to other upgrades (the original scheme separated them for reasons that were valid at the time but not so much anymore).

I expect to finish either tonight or tomorrow night, depending on how long testing the changes I finish tonight takes.

Have a great Store Championship season everyone!

AntaresCD January 15th, 2015 08:23 PM

I'm having a scripting issue with the cost updates relating to the new TIE Advanced title. I'll be out of town for the long weekend but I hope to have it resolved not long after I return.

AntaresCD January 21st, 2015 10:26 PM

With the help of some of the others here on the forums I've got that last scripting issue sorted out and the update is available now.

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