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Corwyn April 8th, 2016 05:26 PM

error message :(
Hi everyone,
trying to make an magic item and everything was working fine to till the end.. when I got this error.

-> Extra characters at end of line

it's set to pre-levels / 5000

var bonus as number
bonus += 4 + #skillbonus[skPercep]

doneif(field[gIsEquip].value <> 0)

if (field[gIsEquip].value <> 0) then

I'm basically trying to add a +4 visual bonus to perception, but only when the In-Play check-box is clicked, of course it has to be worn as well, but as soon as I put it on, it gives it the +4 to perception. Yes, it is supposed to be an enhancement bonus. *smile* special item. (when I look at it when I put it in and editting it, it shows the spacing, but not when I post... interesting)

Any ideas?

Mathias April 8th, 2016 05:33 PM

Error messages in HL can be right-clicked and copied, then pasted here, so we can see the entire message - that message should have a line number, which would be helpful in tracking down where the error is.

One thing to try - a space in-between doneif and the (.

AndrewD2 April 8th, 2016 05:35 PM

also, the doneif and the if statement there are redundant.

Corwyn April 8th, 2016 05:50 PM

the space between the doneif and (, got rid of the error... but now it's not giving the bonus, and the checkbox is checked for both equipped and in-play..

Andrew... i removed the doneif statement and now the bonus shows up as soon as it's equipped, instead of needing both the equipped & in-play.

is there a way to have it check both the equipped and in-play checkbox, or even just the in-play one?

Thanks for the help... any other ideas? if need be, I can open the user file and copy it here.

Corwyn April 8th, 2016 06:00 PM

aarrrggghhh... if it's not one thing, it's another. I just did the update for pathfinder that came out and I got the following error:

Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'fFRSoutMag' (Eval Script '#1') on line 2
-> Tag 'Classes.Inquisitor' no defined

now, I didn't tough the class or use any Thing, etc that's attached to the inquisitor.
think it's the community pack, there was also a huge list of errors (can post if needed)


AndrewD2 April 8th, 2016 06:01 PM

doneif for equipment should be

doneif (field[gIsEquip].value = 0)

and if statement would be

if (field[gIsEquip].value <> 0) then


best bet for needing activation would be


doneif (field[gIsEquip].value = 0)
doneif (field[abilActive].value = 0)

#enhancementbonus[hero.child[skPercep], 4]

I'd probably put it pre-attribute 10000

LazarX April 9th, 2016 06:42 AM

Getting the same thing myself: Something from one of the Forgotten Realms files maybe?

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'fFRSoutMag' (Eval Script '#1') on line 2
-> Tag 'Classes.Inquisitor' not defined

I started getting this after updating Herolab and the Pathfinder files. I have no idea what data file needs to be fixed or purged to end this.

AndrewD2 April 9th, 2016 07:00 AM

Not sure what it's from but the error is there is no Classes.Inquisitor tag, it's Classes.Inquisito

Corwyn April 9th, 2016 07:38 AM

I didn't think so either... shrug. but with that error loading up, none of my user files will load. :(
any ideas anyone?

AndrewD2 April 9th, 2016 08:07 AM

Grab a good text editor like Notepad++ or Atom or something and do a "Search in Folder" for

<tag group="Classes" tag="Inquisitor" />

You should find the problem file, then you can edit it and report the bug to the right person.

For personal stuff I like to work in a blank copy of Pathfinder (no outside user files) and then import them into my house files or whatever system I use.

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