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Gwydion September 25th, 2019 05:37 AM

Recording Damage?
Really stupid question. I've been looking for youtube videos or something to show a walkthrough of using HLO for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. I purchased this as soon as it came out.

My question is, can you record damage on your character sheet to show reduced hit points? I've searched and searched and feel like an idiot as if I go to "play" mode and click on the HP line, it pops up a box with my current HP's and a "0" in a box below that stack block. Then there is an increase/decrease button that I thought would reduced my HP's for damage. However, if I click on those I simply get popups that there was no affect to my character. Is the box just for temp hp or something?

Just trying to see if there is currently any way to show damage to my character and less than full HP. Thanks in advance. I even searched the forums and couldn't find the answer. Appreciate it.

dacoobob September 25th, 2019 07:47 AM

when the box with the "0" pops up, type a number in the box. then click "decrease" and your HP will decrease by that number.

Gwydion September 25th, 2019 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by dacoobob (Post 282530)
when the box with the "0" pops up, type a number in the box. then click "decrease" and your HP will decrease by that number.

Wow.. Now I really feel stupid. Thanks so much.

Lj Stephens September 26th, 2019 05:18 AM

Thanks Dacoobob!

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