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mhwittek March 6th, 2018 06:58 AM

Linux Version
Hello Dev Team,
As an after thought I have decided to make my request here about a Linux Version of Hero Lab and Realm Works. Please considering the additional version. Currently, I am making the transfer from Windows 10 to Linux. I would even be willing to pay for another license for both programs.


kbs666 March 6th, 2018 07:30 AM

Realm Works is written in .Net so do not count on a Linux version any time soon. There may be a web client eventually which may be the best you can hope for. The same goes for HL as far as I know.

Duggan March 6th, 2018 09:40 AM

Mono is an open-source .Net implementation that runs on Linux, so it's not that farfetched. And Herolab does run in Wine last I checked, with some slight graphical glitchiness.

kbs666 March 6th, 2018 09:57 AM

RW does not run under Mono, or at least it didn't last I heard about someone trying.

Valyar March 6th, 2018 10:10 AM

Wine might works... as Fantasy Grounds runs successfully under it.

Farling March 6th, 2018 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Duggan (Post 263908)
Mono is an open-source .Net implementation that runs on Linux

I seem to remember that Mono is only a sub-set of .NET, and so only useful for a few small projects.

mhwittek March 6th, 2018 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by kbs666 (Post 263899)
Realm Works is written in .Net so do not count on a Linux version any time soon. There may be a web client eventually which may be the best you can hope for. The same goes for HL as far as I know.

KBS666, thanks for the information. I did not know LWD was using .NET to code RW and HL. Since the are or were looking to hire a C++ programmer, I assumed the code was written in C++, and Linux was written in C and some of its libraries in C++, so porting such code would not require much. However, .NET is a whole different beast. Though, that does beg the question what are LWD's programmers using to code on OSX and iOS, since those OSes are based on FreeBSD (UNIX) kernel? Duggan and Valyar, I was going to test with Wine here soon, but I had not heard of Mono. I will look for it too. The name alludes me at the moment, but there is also a paid version of Wine also that might be able to handle RW and HL a little better. Anyway All, thanks for your input. LWD, I reiterate that I will pay for another license if a native-Linux-port of RW and HL is done.


Toblakai March 6th, 2018 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by mhwittek (Post 263943)
KBS666, thanks for the information. I did not know LWD was using .NET to code RW and HL. Since the are or were looking to hire a C++ programmer, I assumed the code was written in C++, and Linux was written in C and some of its libraries in C++, so porting would such code would not require much. .NET is a whole different beast. Though, that does beg the question what are they using to code with in OSX and iOS, since those are based on FreeBSD (UNIX) kernel? Duggan and Valyar, I was going to test with Wine here soon, but I had not heard of Mono. I will for it too. The name alludes me at the moment, but there is also a paid version of Wine also that might be able to handle RW and HL a little better. Any way All, thanks for your input. LWD, I reiterate that I will pay for another license for a native Linux port of RW and HL.


A port to linux would probably cost at least 1 man year of labor (probably more), in the silicon valley area thats at least $200k. There are probably not enough Linux using gamers out there to make anywhere close to a profit. Just use it in a VM.

Parody March 6th, 2018 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by mhwittek (Post 263943)
KBS666, thanks for the information. I did not know LWD was using .NET to code RW and HL.

Desktop Hero Lab is C++ (non .NET). Realm Works is .NET and could be any one of a number of languages (or a mix of them).


Originally Posted by mhwittek (Post 263943)
However, .NET is a whole different beast. Though, that does beg the question what are LWD's programmers using to code on OSX and iOS, since those OSes are based on FreeBSD (UNIX) kernel?

Could be anything. Objective-C was the main language for OS X and iOS for a long time, but many development systems, languages, and libraries have support for creating applications for those OSes.


Originally Posted by mhwittek (Post 263943)
Duggan and Valyar, I was going to test with Wine here soon, but I had not heard of Mono. I will look for it too.

Realm Works won't work with Mono; there are things Mono doesn't implement that Realm Works uses. The best (and quite possibly) only way to run Realm Works on a non-Windows system is by running Windows in a virtual machine.


Originally Posted by mhwittek (Post 263943)
Anyway All, thanks for your input. LWD, I reiterate that I will pay for another license if a native-Linux-port of RW and HL is done.

Web-based versions of their applications are how they plan to support non-Windows OSes (and eventually all OSes, it seems.)

kbs666 March 7th, 2018 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by mhwittek (Post 263943)
KBS666, thanks for the information. I did not know LWD was using .NET to code RW and HL.

Only for RW. I should have been clearer. Just do not expect a port of HL to anything besides online anytime soon either.

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